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symptoms of breast cancer

symptoms of breast cancer
Breast cancer ( breast carcinoma ) is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue . This type of cancer is common in women and it is possible if it occurs in men , it's just a very rare case .

The frequency of cases of this disease is relatively high in developed countries and is the largest suffered from other types of cancer . While in Indonesia , breast cancer ranks second only to cervical cancer .

This article will explain to you what are the risk factors that can cause a person to develop breast cancer , early detection means , and avoiding breast cancer and how you can be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer .

Esophageal Cancer Risk Factors Breast
The cause of breast cancer is not known with certainty , but there are several factors that allow a woman's risk of developing this disease , which is as follows :

Family history of breast cancer .
Women who have never been pregnant and given birth .
The first pregnancy occurred after the age of 30 years .
The first menstruation at the age under 12 years and menopause after age 55 years .
The use of birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy .
Postmenopausal obesity and alcohol consumption .
Chemical - Several studies have cited the exposure of chemicals that mimic estrogen ( which is contained in pesticides and other industrial products ) may increase the risk of breast cancer .
The use of DES ( diethylstilbestrol ) . Women who took DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer .
Keep in mind that the factors mentioned above are not always breast cancer can trigger an attack , but often a person's life history of breast cancer associated with these factors .

Symptoms of Breast Cancer
There are several symptoms of breast cancer that can be seen . Here are the symptoms in question :

A lump in the breast that can be touched .
Changes in the shape and size of the breast .
Wound around the nipple and surrounding areas which are difficult to heal .
The presence of fluid ( blood or pus - yellow to greenish ) are out of the nipple .
Changes in the nipple such as itching , burning sensation , and attracted to the ( retracted) .
The presence of wrinkles ( such as lime ) on the skin of the breast .
At an advanced stage may develop bone pain , weight loss , swelling of arms or ulcerated skin .
Immediately consult your doctor if you are breast symptoms arise which have been mentioned in order to be properly handled . Endeavored to make early diagnosis of breast cancer is easier to treat and can be cured if it is still in its early stages .

For early detection , can be done on breast self-examination every 5-7 days after the menstrual period , with mammography ( X-ray examination ) , or with a biopsy ( a little lift to the diagnosis of mammary gland tissue ) .

Breast Cancer Prevention
Many risk factors can not be controlled . However , some dietitians and oncologists believe that changes in diet and lifestyle , in general can reduce the occurrence of cancer .

At present , the factors shown to play an important role in the process of tumor is estrogen . Estrogen is a sex hormone that functions to form secondary and mature female genital organs , including the breast , during puberty .

Estrogen triggers the growth and maturation of cells in the female genital organs called duct cells . The duct cells will then divide normally . Moments duct cell maturation is the most vulnerable time for the cells exposed to mutation .

If there is one cell to mutate due to hereditary factors , radiation , free radicals , etc. , then these cells may divide excessively that so will develop into cancer .

From this it can be concluded that estrogen is one of the factors responsible for the risk of breast cancer . What do each of the women to prevent breast cancer ?

Make early detection ( self-examination ) every month after the menstrual period and clinical examination ( mammography and biopsy ) .
Avoid eating foods that are high in fat .
The use of a drug or hormone -containing contraceptives should be prescribed by the physician .
Breastfeeding baby as long as possible ( up to about 2 years ) .
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and soy including processed products .
The key to survival is to detect breast cancer early , before it has a chance to spread . Personal breast exam should be done regularly every month , because a woman must be vigilant in looking for something that looks or feels suspicious in her breast , such as the hardening or lumps .

No matter how small the results of his findings , he should immediately contact a doctor . The earlier a lump is diagnosed , the greater the control that women have on their future .

Read also the article Breast Cancer Drug to obtain information about available medical treatment and what is effective herbal suppress breast cancer


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