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8 important facts related to breast

Find out 8 important facts related to breast cancer following :

1 . Why do breasts feel pain during menstruation ? A woman's breasts are secondary sex organs are affected by the hormone estrogen . When menstruation , hormonally out of balance that makes your breasts will feel full , hardened , or enlarged , and painful to the touch .

2 . Is it normal when the left and right breast size is not the same ? Breast size is determined by how much fat tissue in the breast that is owned . Mostly , breast shape is different between left and right . Only difference at any level is not the same person . This is quite normal . But watch out if you find the need to change the shape or size of the breast is radical .

3 . Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer ? Some studies say , baby breastfeeding for 27-52 weeks can reduce the risk of breast cancer .

4 . Regular exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer ? Sports for four hours each week can reduce the risk of cancer by 30 % . Therefore , the American Cancer Society encourages women to exercise for 45-60 minutes every day .

5 . What are the signs of breast cancer ? Not only for breast cancer , the Indonesian Cancer Foundation has provided guidelines for the detection of cancer called ALERT . W ( time urination : is there gangguang or change a habit ? ) , A ( tool gastrointestinal disturbed or difficult swallowing ) , S ( hoarseness or a cough that will not go away ) , P ( breast or other parts exhibit a bump ) , A ( Andeng - Andeng ( moles ) are changing the nature of , the greater or itching ) , D ( blood or abnormal mucus out of the body ) , A ( the wounds that would not heal ) .

6 . Why do the majority of breast cancer in women ? The incidence of breast cancer in men and women was 1:100 . The majority of women attacked because the problem is much more there is to the hormones estrogen and progesterone . However , when attacking the man , the disease progression is faster . This is because the breast tissue surrounding the male is not as thick as a woman .

7 . Could it be completely cured of cancer ? This term is less precise . It would be more accurate to use the term 5 year survival rate ( survival rate within five years after being diagnosed with cancer ) . The length depends on the characteristics of the tumor , the presence or absence of spread to the lymph nodes , and the presence or absence of ' children spread ' which is commonly called the TNM stage ( tumor , node , metastasis ) .

8 . What was the case when the breast should be removed ? There are several procedures that depend on the removal of the breast cancer stage , namely the classical radical mastectomy , modified radical , and simple . The difference of this procedure lies in the number of skin tissue , glands , muscles and lymph are removed . The basic principle is to remove as many cancer cells as well as structures that are believed to have been attacked . With the expected removal of the breast cancer has not spread to other structures .


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