CHARACTERISTICS OF OBESITYObesity is a common problem that occurs in the community and is known to be accompanied by a number of other serious medical factors . Obesity is a condition in which the presence of excessive fat accumulation that is required for the function of the human body . Obesity is a risk factor for the occurrence of various types of degenerative diseases , such as diabetes mellitus , hypertension , coronary disease and various types jantiung other cancers .
Incidence of obesity is more determined by too much eating , too little physical activity or laihan or both . Understanding more about the definition of obesity comes from Suitor and Hunter who said that , being overweight ( over weight ) is overweight over 20 % of normal weight . Meanwhile , obesity itself is overweight as between 10-29% of normal weight . so , definitively understanding obesity with excess weight ( overweight ) have substantive difference .
Many factors underlying causes of obesity , such that :
1 . Biological factors include metabolic rate and the minimum amount of energy needed someone play an important role in regulating body weight . Some people naturally use more calories to perform the major functions in the body .
2 . Obesity can also difaktori by genetic factors . For example, the obesity that occurs in children , even adults as well as those who are older or advanced age can also be overweight or obese . When someone enters the elderly , the body's hormones and release automatically reduced so desires or changes to your diet will increase . This can lead to overweight or obesity started to happen .
3 . Lifestyle changes and an increasingly changing and seem to follow a more modern era . The habit of consuming fast food or the increasing consumption of calories and carbohydrates as well as reduced physical activity plays an important role in causing obesity . Fast-food restaurants provide plenty of options , packaged foods and soft drinks . Thus causing frequent foods and beverages that contain sugar , fat , and calories high enough .
4 . Lack of physical activity or exercise that can help support health , helps balance the healthy weight and organ function throughout the body including the digestive organs .
No wonder that obesity or in Latin, often referred to as obesity is becoming one of the state that is often feared some people who have obesity . Although obesity is not a disease but can be used as a source of the arrival of a health disorder or disease of the body though.
Many assumptions about obese people . Those who have excess body weight is often associated will be susceptible to various diseases . Obesity is the most important nutritional problems . Because obesity can be experienced by anyone ranging from an early age , infants , toddlers , adolescents , adults and the elderly regardless of gender and age .
Moreover, when the mind that obesity is often associated with a rise in the incidence of various diseases and other health problems as well as dealing with a person's life expectancy . Most medical people and the states of obesity can lead to negative things .
Then , simply obesity represents a state of the accumulation of fat in the body as a result of excess supply of calories in the body . Clinically obese person is found when there is excess body weight by 15 % or more of ideal body weight .
With more scientific measurement , determination of obesity is based on the proportion of fat to total body weight of a person. In normal young men , the average body fat was 12 % , while the young woman around 26 % . men who have more body fat than 20 % of its body weight , whereas if it occurs in women who have a body fat exceeds 30 % of total body weight declared obesity .
Solutions to Overcome Obesity is :
1 . Many people incorrectly interpret and apply the diet to overcome obesity . Most of them avoid fat . But not all fats trigger fat storage . Fats we eat are stacked in the body as an energy reserve .
2 . In addition to a healthy diet , eating schedule of three times a day with moderate or small servings .
3 . Set up a balanced nutritional intake nd low-calorie diet . Biasnaya with the proportion of 60 % for carbohydrate , 30 % fat and 10 % protein .
4 . Physical exercise or sport is one effective way of weight loss programs in the long term .
5 . Taking supplements support a healthy body without any side effects to fatten the body . It is better to consume herbal supplements that can help regulate appetite and fat diet and dispose of the body such as the leaves of Dutch identity , yellow , bangle green tea , the leaves Cerme , the roots of weeds etc. .


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