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3 factors that cause obesity

Everyone does need a certain amount of body fat for energy saving , heat insulating , shock absorbent , and others . However, in excessive amounts , it would be detrimental to the deposition of fat metabolism.
Weight control as a result of excessive accumulation of body fat is a long term effort . To be safe and effective , any weight loss program should be aimed at long-term approach .
Scientifically , obesity is caused by consuming more calories than are required by the body . The cause of the imbalance between calorie intake and burning is still unclear . There are several factors that affect it :
genetic factorsObesity tends to be lowered , so suspected to have a genetic cause . However , family members share not only genes but also diet and lifestyle habits that can promote obesity . Often difficult to separate the lifestyle factors with genetic factors . Recent research shows that the average genetic factors influence 33 percent of the person's weight .
environmental factorsDimasuk environment that is behavioral / lifestyle such as what the quality and quantity of food and how one move . If irreversible genetic , diet and activity can be changed if there is a willingness of a person to improve his life .
psychological factorsWhat is in one's mind can affect eating habits. Many people reacted to his emotions by eating . One form of emotional distress is a negative self-perception . This disorder is a serious problem in many young women who suffer from obesity .
There are two abnormal eating patterns that could be the cause of obesity is eating in a number of very much ( binge ) and eat at night . Both diets are usually triggered by stress and disappointment . Binge similar to bulimia nervosa , where a person eats very many in number , the difference in binge this is not followed by spewing back what has been eaten . As a result of calories consumed very much .
At night eating syndrome , the consequence is a reduction in appetite in the morning and followed by excessive eating and insomnia at night .


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