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prevention of obesity in children

Obesity is excess body weight as a result of excessive accumulation of body fat , which occurs when the consumption of more calories than the body needs . Obesity include several factors such as genetic , psychological , and behavioral environments like / pattern / lifestyle , for example, what to eat , how many times a day she eats , as well as any activities.
Obesity has become a problem that needs to be watched, not only for adults but also for children and adolescents . Therefore , the consequences of weight gain will have an impact on other things such as glucose intolerance , and hypertension . Based on data from the New England Journal of Medicine in 2010 : obesity , glucose intolerance , and hypertension in children will lead to an early death in the future age ( under 55 years ) .
Consensus Control and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia in 2011 mentions , glucose intolerance is a cause that precedes the onset of diabetes . Glucose intolerance was first introduced in 2002 by the Department of Health and Human Services ( DHHS ) , and the American Diabetes Association ( ADA ) . Every year , 4-9 percent of people with glucose intolerance will become diabetic . People with glucose intolerance are also at risk of cardiovascular disturbance of one and a half times higher than the normal person .
Data from the Health Research ( Rikesdas in 2010 ) showed , as many as 19 , 6 percent of children in DKI Jakarta in the category of overweight ( obesity / overweight ) . According to Drs . Safe B. Pulungan , SpA ( K ) , Chairman of the Central Board 2 Indonesian Pediatric Association ( IDAI ) , the rate of obesity in children in Indonesia has reached the appalling figure .
" From the research we did on 182 obese children aged 12-15 years showed that 3.8 percent had glucose intolerance , while 93.9 percent showed acanthois nigricans , a sign of insulin resistance seen in the form of blackish skin at the nape of the neck , ketikak , and hands , "said Dr. . Safe in the Media Fasting Break ' Preventing Obesity in Children ' Zespri held in Jakarta , mid- July 2013 . As a form of concern , Zespri also held campaign ' Feel The Difference ' , an educational campaign for the consumption of fruits and vegetables .
He adds , in another study conducted in 2012 on 92 obese children aged 12-15 years , as much as 8.7 percent glucose intolerance , and 71.7 percent showed acanthosis nigricans . The results of the research concluded that obese children have a tendency to experience resisteni insulin which leads to diabetes . Of registry data IDAI also found the incidence of type 2 diabetes in children tends to rise in the month of June-July and December-January , which is a long vacation period for school children .
To that end , parents are advised keep the nutrition of children, especially in school holiday periods . Therefore , obesity is often caused by the child's food intake is not controlled , especially fast food and high fat .
Here's a tip from Dr . Safe that can be done to prevent obesity in children :1 . Consumption of fruit (one Kiwi ) 2 servings a day , and 5 servings of vegetables a day .2 . Do not sit for more than 2 hours .3 . Perform at least one hour of physical activity every day .4 . Exercise for 20 minutes 3 ​​times a week .5 . Limit consumption of sugar , and drink more mineral water


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