Visual Impact Frequency Training Review by Stephen Bernard

Rusty Moore's latest fitness training guide named Visual Impact Frequency Training has been released. This is Rusty's 4th product under his Visual Impact brand, and it's a unique strength training program that aims to rapidly increase strength, improve muscle density and maxmize physique definition. The Visual Impact Frequency Training program is based on strategically training the entire body frequently, with the right volume and exercises that's guaranteed to deliver the results quickly once you follow the program well.


Rusty really researched and studied hard to come up with this new, unique system that there is definitely a need for in the present fitness market. The program takes decades worth of proven Eastern European training methods, that they used to get drastically stronger without damaging the muscle, and combines them with traditional gym based exercises that the average person can use to get in shape.

Visual Impact Frequency training is for both men and women who has been lifting for a while (at least 2 years consistent resistence training experience) to have a new and exciting way to gain strength while firming up your body and maximizing true muscle tone for the best physique aesthetics. We are accustomed to using diet and workout plans to get in shape that are only focus on how much more muscle or less fat we have.

But although increasing muscle and losing fat are the fundamental components of getting in shape, it does not stop there. Visual Impact Frequency Training will show you how to refine your physique by training to increase muscle density instead of getting bigger and bigger when you don't need to. It's possible that presently what you need to get your best physique is to focus on firming up while taking a rest from routines structured for gaining muscle. Many experience lifters do not possess the level of physique definition that they should. And reason for this may not be due to body level, rather it may be due to lack of muscle efficiency. Efficiency is created by getting stronger without adding size.

After I went through the course, I had to write a Visual Impact Frequency Training review. Not only because Visual Impact Frequency Training is an interesting, new product that people need to know about, but also Rusty Moore has a very good track record with creating fitness courses that always brings something new to the table that actually works. A lot of the fitness guides we buy go through a lot of different things that we don't necessarily need because it covers what we already know - which ends up as clutter and at the end of the day, becomes overwhelming.

What Makes Visual Impact Frequency Training Different?

It breaks the mold of conventional fitness training wisdom that you have to breakdown a muscle group and let it recover for 48-72 hours. This program doesn't use the usual “blitz, rest, and recover” model of training despite the fact that this is the method that you'll find in most strength training programs out there.

Now it's definitely not trying to say that training to breakdown a muscle group and letting it rest for 48-72 hours isn't necessary. This is far from the case becaue Rusty's most popular program at the moment is a muscle building course that involves breaking down and resting the muscle (Visual Impact Impact Muscle Building).

The point it's making is that damaging a muscle group and letting it rest for a few days is only required when you want to gain muscle mass/increase muscle size. It is not the only way to train for the purposes of increasing strength and firming up your physique. Eastern European countries like the Soviet Union and all of the countries that it comprised such as Bulgaria, has been overwhelmingly dominant in Olympic lifting for decades, and this same approach of strength training without muscle breakdown was their secret weapon to be so victorious.


Visual Impact Frequency Training is created by fitness professional Rusty Moore. Rusty is a Psychology degree holder from the University of Washington and is currently a fitness researcher, fitness author, and fitness blogger.

Having 27+ years of studying and particpating in fitness nutrition and training, Rusty has enough “living proof” of fitness know-how and experience to be able t create these cutting edge programs. He also has a long list of success stories from people who followed his teachings and methods.

Rusty has a strong following online on a variety of platforms that include his personal blog, email newsletter and social media sites. He has a highly respected reputation online. I've actutally never seen someone mentioned something negative about Rusty, and I think this all have to do with his impressive honesty and genuine passion to help people.

What To Expect From Visual Impact Frequency Training

The program comprise of a main ebook (PDF) manual that has the educational material and program instructions. This is accompied with a number of high quality workout demonstration videos presented by a friend of Rusty Moore, Nate Miyaki. The information in the course is well explained and nicely presented. I don't think that anyone should have any problems understanding anything. But if you need clarification on anything, you can always contact Rusty Moore to get help. He has a very reliable customer support system, so help will be quick. I got a response to my inquiry in less than 24 hours.

The Program Specifics

In the program manual, after Rusty explains the concepts and principles of the program, you’ll get right into the actual workout routine that instructs you on "what to do" and "when to do it". Of course you must get access to the program to see the actual routine, but here is a summary of what you'll be doing.

- You'll be working out 4-6 times (days) per week.
- This program is meant to run for just 6-8 weeks. But it can be used 1-2 times per year when you hit a sticking point in strength gains or muscle definition.
- You'll hit your entire body each and every workout, every time you go to the gym.
- Each workout is brief, aimed at maximizing hard contractions to the muscle, done without fatiguing the body.

Visual Impact Frequency Training Review Conclusion

I could definitely see people succeeding to get stronger, leaner and more defined by following this program. Rusty's whole focus is helping men and women get the best physique and most physically stunning appearance they can get from their fitness efforts. His entire body of work is focus on teaching methods that people can use to get results tha make them fitter, healthier and also more attractive.

There’s really nothing else like Visual Impact Frequency Training on the market. Most other workout programs are concerned with simply gaining muscle or losing fat with no focus on aesthetics. It’s an interesting approach to training and it's the perfect product if you’re a man or woman who wants to have a striking physique that's fit, strong, lean, defined and attractive.