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The characteristics and Dengue Prevention Method

The characteristics and Dengue Prevention Method 
Lately dongue dengue fever (DHF) start again attacked several areas in Indonesia. Usually the children and the illness often remajalah this one. To prevent danger berdara fever, you should know the characteristics of the symptoms of dengue fever. Proper handling is expected to prevent loss of life. Therefore, it is only fitting we know the symptoms, characteristics and methods of controlling the dengue fever. An acute febrile disease found in the tropics is caused by one of four virus serotypes of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Each serotype is sufficiently different that there is no cross-protection and epidemics caused by multiple serotypes (hyperendemicity) may occur. Dengue fever is spread to humans by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The mosquitoes will spread through the bite of dengue virus and dengue fever resulted. The symptoms of dengue fever was caused after a period of incubation 3 to 5 days after a person infected with dengue virus. Here are some of the characteristics of dengue fever when it attacked humans; 
1. For no apparent reason suddenly body temperature can rise (38-40 degrees Celsius) accompanied by fever and heat for two to seven days in a row. Fever is sometimes accompanied by a rash, but also not. red spots will be clearly visible when examined with the test methods torniquet. 
2. Fever does not go away, despite being given a febrifuge. Heat can come down and go up, can also not go down at all throughout the day. 
3. feeling chills, loss of appetite and nausea accompanied drink driving to vomit. Sometimes the pain is often felt in the head. 
4. Irregular breath and feels a bit claustrophobic. 
5. Feels pain when moving the eyeball and back pain at the start of symptoms. 
6. Muscle in the entire body was sore and painful. 
7. The skin becomes visible redness, especially on the face.
8. Defecation is black and hard. This phenomenon is seen when platelets are low start roughly under 100.000/mm3 and an increase in hematocrit above 20%. Platelet levels can be determined by a blood test in the laboratory. If you experience prolonged high heat (more than 1 day) and not cured by taking medicine, try to go to the nearest hospital and check your blood. If you find you've platelets in the lower limit of normal (normal range: 150000-500000), be careful. If you have not had time to go to the doctor, you can do first aid in the following way: 
1. Give water to drink as much as possible to avoid shortages in the patient's body fluids or dehydration. Min. 20 medium-sized glasses every day (more is better) 
2. Give compress on the head with a cloth or towel dipped in cold water to reduce fever and dizziness as well as heat. Then give febrifuge. 
3. Give foods containing platelets, for example, red guava. This is done to increase platelets (some are suggested: red yeast rice leaves, guava leaves, etc.) 
4. Try to keep the patient continues to receive nutritious food intake and try to eat in a sufficient quantity, although his appetite or none at all. If the first treatment you do not succeed, then you should immediately take the patient to the nearest hospital. It's good before dengue fever, Should We always maintain the cleanliness of the bathroom, home and environment. 


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