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Prevention of malnutrition

Some ways to prevent malnutrition in children :

1 ) Exclusive breastfeeding ( breast milk only ) until the child is 6 months old . After that , the child began to be introduced to complementary food supplements as appropriate to the age level , then weaned after 2 years old .

2 ) Children are given a varied diet , balanced between protein, fat , vitamins and minerals . Comparison of composition : for a minimum of 10 % fat of total calories required , while the remaining 12% protein and carbohydrates .

3 ) Diligent weigh and measure the height of children with IHC program . Observe whether the growth of the child in accordance with the above standards . If not appropriate , immediately consult the doctor .

4 ) If the child is hospitalized due to nutrient poor , may ask the clerk patterns and types of food that should be given after discharge from the hospital .

5 ) If the child has suffered from malnutrition , then immediately give high calories in the form of carbohydrates , fats , and sugars . As for the protein can be given after other sources of calories has been shown capable of improving children's energy . Give also supplement other essential minerals and vitamins . Early treatment often produce good results . On the condition is severe, treatment can be done by improving the general health condition . However , the rest of the symptoms will usually leave permanent physical abnormalities and will appear in a later issue of intelligence .

Failure to thrive is a baby or a child with physical growth was significantly less than peers .

a) Failure to achieve an ideal height and weight ;

b ) The loss of fat under the skin significantly;

c ) to lack of muscle mass ;

d ) Recurrent infections .
Causal factors : ( 1 ) social factors , lack of public knowledge about the importance of nutritious food for growing children . ( 2 ) The factors of poverty, low income communities led to the most basic needs often can not be met . ( 3 ) The rate of population growth is not matched by the increase in the availability of food . ( 4 ) The infection , caused by damage to multiple organ function so it can not absorb nutrients properly .


* In the mild stage with improved nutrition .
* Treatment of stage tend to be more complex because of the weight of each disease must be treated individually . Penderitapun should be hospitalized to receive medical attention in full


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