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Causes , Symptoms , Prevention And Treatment of Typhoid disease / typhoid / typus -

Causes , Symptoms , Prevention And Treatment of Typhoid disease / typhoid / typus -
Never experienced pain on this one ? if the admin itself Alhamdulliah have never and hopefully will never ga .. hehe , but relatives and friends are attacked by the admin many diseases this one .. and see the condition of the typhoid patients are very sorry for the admin , they limp helpless .. ^ _ ^ . but actually what it is disease typhoid / typhus , typhoid stricken with what could be the cause , and how the symptoms and how to cure .. to let it completely peeled on this one disease .

Typhoid can refer to the following :

Typhoid fever , a disease that is often found in Indonesia, which is caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica .
PenyakitRickettsia ( typhoid ) , a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Rickettsia spread by ticks .

Typhoid fever , or typhoid is a disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica , especially derivatives namely Salmonella Typhi . This disease can be found all over the world , and is spread through food and drink that has been contaminated by feces .

Rickettsia disease or typhoid are diseases caused by bacteria familia Rickettsiae . The disease is spread by arthropods , especially ticks , mites , and ticks . Three main types of typhus are epidemic typhus , endemic typhus , and typhoid shrub . Other types of typhus are also common Brill - Zinsser disease is , which is a typhus epidemic reappeared after years of recovery . Epidemic typhus and Brill - Zinsser disease is caused by bacteria

Rickettsia prowazekii . Epidemic typhus is spread by body lice . Endemic typhus caused by a bacterium Rickettsia typhi , which is spread by ticks . Typhoid is caused by the bacterium Rickettsia shrub tsutsugamushi ( formerly named Orientia tsutsugamushi ) , and is spread by mites and ticks . Other types of typhoid include Rocky Mountain spotted fever , Rickettsialpox , Boutonneuse fever , Siberian tick typhus , typhoid fever ticks Australia , and Oriental spotted fever .

Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

Once infection occurs will appear one or several of the following symptoms :

high fever of 39 ° to 40 ° C ( 103 ° to 104 ° F ) that increases slowly
weak heartbeat
muscle pain myalgia
loss of appetite
stomach ache
in certain cases appear deployment pink spots

Mode of transmission typhoid / typhus

Through foods or beverages that have been contaminated by Salmonella bacteria . In patients with typhus , there samonella bacteria in the bloodstream and the gut which then issued through the dirt .
Patients can transmit the disease if the patient meyajikan , and cooking meals or holding items that are typically used to eat without washing hands thoroughly beforehand .
It could also be caused by the water used for drinking or washing pealatan eating such as plates, cups and so on , or wash vegetables and fruits have been contaminated by bacteria .

How Nursing typhoid / typhus

This disease can be treated with antibiotics , such as ampicillin , chloramphenicol , trimethoprim - sulfamethoxazole , and ciproloxacin are often used to treat fever in the state - typhoidal

Admin and advise if there are friends or relatives of this disease , please immediately taken to the doctor for further treatment and reduce the occurrence of more severe conditions .


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