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Causes Less Nutrition and Malnutrition

Causes Less Nutrition and Malnutrition
Based on various data and the results of many studies , nutrition problems in Indonesia , besides malnutrition is still high rates of malnutrition . Not to mention the increasing trend over the nutrition issues is increasing. According to one study , the level of morbidity in infants reached 34.3 % at age

This issue is very important to follow up , because the toddler period , a critical period . This period is a period of brain growth and development optimization . According to the MOH (2006 ) malnutrition remains a public health problem and can be a cause of mortality , especially in high risk groups ( infants and toddlers ) . Malnutrition in infants does not occur instantaneously - arrived , but beginning with the limitations of weight gain is not enough . Changes in body weight over time toddlers an early indication changes to nutritional status of children . In a period of 6 months , infants whose weight does not go up twice at risk of malnutrition of 12.6 times compared to infants who gained weight steadily.

As we know , one way to determine the health and growth of children is done by monitoring the results of weighing in every month . IHC performed in this case by using a measuring instrument monitoring KMS or health card . These cards include functioning as a tool for monitoring the rate of growth and development of children .

One definition of malnutrition is a deficiency state nutrient consumption caused by the low energy consumption of protein in the daily diet , so that clinically there are three types , marasmus , kwashiorkor , marasmus and kwashiorkor Roedjito (1989 ) , the problem of malnutrition may include deficiencies energy , protein , iron , vitamin A deficiency also While under-nutrition approach includes three classifications , among other biological state ( which includes age , gender , physiological state , infectious disease disorders , state of health ) , physical state ( which includes rural or urban and ecological areas such as forests, swamps , mountains , plains , sources of food , and the farmers market ) , as well as socio-economic and cultural circumstances include ethnic and cultural , socioeconomic status , income , land area ) .

Meanwhile, according to Anwar (2005 ) , poverty is a fundamental cause of the problem resulting in malnutrition due to lack of nutrient intake and high disease infection. Meanwhile, according Kurniawan et al (2001 ) , the core problem is the cause of malnutrition among others due to deteriorating family situation , education and the provision of food is not good , and the lack of agricultural products , thus causing the lack of availability of food at household level . Also because of the lack of household access to health care facilities .

Basically the state of malnutrition is not only a health problem but also non-health problem , not only economic issues but also non- economic issues . Policy in the prevention and control of malnutrition according to MOH ( 2006 ) , among others dilakukanp community empowerment approach is to improve access to information and involvement in decision-making processes .

Increased incidence and distribution of cases of malnutrition caused by many factors / issues , such as biological factors such as age , sex , chronic infectious diseases suffered by children under five in areas with cases of malnutrition .

( Causes of Malnutrition According to UNICEF , 1998)
While the factor of geography , socio-economic and political , among others will be related to the availability of land availability , food security at the household level , parenting , infectious diseases and non - infectious , environmental health , education , poverty , as well as policy factors .

Malnutrition and malnutrition are closely affect the quality of human resources . According to the MOH (2006 ) , in 2006 was about 28% of the infants suffered malnutrition in Indonesia .

Complexity of nutrition -related problems , according to the MOH (2005 ) , many efforts and activities dealing with the case of nutrition , among others, by :

Combating vitamin A deficiency ( VAD ) is the distribution of the baby in February and August .
Combating malnutrition with supplementary feeding
Combating anemia and iron
Reduction due to iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD )
weighing Toddlers
Various attempts have been made in an effort to improve nutrition , among others, through the efforts of balanced nutrition promotion , nutrition counseling in the neighborhood health center , food fortification , supplementary feeding include complementary feeding , nutritional supplements such as vitamin A capsules , and Fe , monitoring and prevention of malnutrition , movement Exclusive breastfeeding , food variety , also the use of iodized salt . We still need more innovation and efforts to save the nation 's children and grandchildren generai , with our role in various aspects and levels


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