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Dengue fever is an acute illness caused by a viral infection carried by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus females are generally attacked in the dry season and the rainy season . The virus causes disturbances in capillary blood vessels and the blood coagulation system resulting in bleeding .

The first mechanism , vertical transmission in the mosquito 's body . The virus can be transmitted by female mosquitoes to their eggs , which will be mosquitoes .
The virus can also be transmitted from male to female mosquitoes mosquito contact through seksua . The second mechanism , the transmission of the virus from mosquitoes to vertebrates in the body and vice versa . The meaning here is human vertebrates and certain groups of monkeys .

Mosquitoes get the virus itself when biting humans as vertebrates that when the blood was pregnant with dengue virus . Viruses are up to in the mosquito stomach will undergo self- replication or break for the breed , then will migrate and eventually reached the salivary glands .

The virus enters the human body through a mosquito bite that penetrates the skin . Aedes aegypti females are intermittent feeders , namely suctioning blood repeatedly before feeling full . Nature which is the cause of the Aedes aegypti mosquito can infect the same time some people in a family or in an adjacent area .

Four days later the virus will replicate itself appropriately . If the amount is sufficient , the virus will enter the blood circulation , and that's when humans began infected will experience symptoms of heat .

However, the human body's reaction to the virus dpaat different . The difference this reaction will also manifest differences in the appearance of clinical symptoms and course of the disease .

Public health management system owned by the Indonesian government as not running . If an outbreak has occurred , then there is coordination between hospitals .
Community Health Center and the Department of Health became the scapegoat , in addition to its own people accused for not maintaining health in the environment .

Worse yet , the condition of any outbreaks , hospital initiative will certainly continue to apply the principle of " only has money that can be treated and served" ironically , Governments are handing oversight to the public free of charge via the interpreter monitors jenti or " jumantik " , after the affair victims died .
Imagine , the Department of Health has recorded 12,482 dengue fever patients in 21 provinces, 241 of them died , until the end of February 2004 . In fact , the Province of Jakarta as the center of the country , the highest ranks - 4252 the number of people , 47 of them dead .

According to Rita Kusriastuti of Section Arbovirusasi Department of Health , the incidence of dengue in 2004 two times worse than the previous year . " Spraying is not a settlement en masse right . Mosquitoes lay 200-400 eggs per day , and then sprayed to death , but the next day a new mosquito born again " , said Rita from MOH .

DHF is actually not a new disease because it occurs almost every year in line with the change of seasons , from rainy season to dry season . Indonesian Society already knows the signs and modes of transmission of dengue disease , since DHF into Indonesia since 36 years ago .

Deterrence is simple and does not need high -tech as in the case of SARS disease need to ensure laboratory tests in Atlanta . Only the necessary steps to eradicate dengue clear by growing change in attitude and awareness of all stakeholders , especially the community in maintaining the cleanliness of their environment .

Examination of dengue NS1 antigen should be performed in patients who develop fever accompanied by clinical symptoms of viral infection denguen ( on days 1-3 start fever ) to detect acute infection caused by dengue virus .

Early detection of infection with dengue is very important because we can do supportive treatment and monitoring of patients with immediately and this result will certainly reduce the risk of complications such as dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome, which can result in death .

Dengue fever is a disease caused by the dengue virus enters the body through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquitoes , especially Aedes aegypti .

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is an acute viral fever is generally accompanied by headache , muscle aches or bone joints , a rash , the symptoms decrease in the number of white blood cells ( leukopenia ) .

Dengue haerrhagic fever ( DHF ) or dengue hemorrhagic fever ( DHF ) is a dengue fever as indicated by the major clinical symptoms : high fever , bleeding phenomena , often with enlargement of the liver , and in some severe cases characterized by impaired circulation .

Dengue virus infection with severe clinical manifestations can develop widened decrease circulating fluid volume / plasma in the body ( hypovolemia ) due to bleeding plasma called dengue shock syndrome ( DSS ) .

Dengue virus infection can cause clinical manifestations ranging from asimtomik / without symptoms until severe clinical manifestations that result in death . Dengue fever is a mild clinical manifestations , while the DHF and DSS is a severe clinical manifestations . If there are symptoms of dengue virus infection did immediately dengue laboratory examination to determine the presence or absence of dengue virus infection .

Fever can be a symptom of serious diseases , such as dengue fever . But when the fever lasted just one day , it is difficult to differentiate between dengue fever due to other diseases , such as influenza , sore throat or typhus , because the symptoms are similar . According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) fever in children can be suspected dengue if :

1 . Sudden high fever 2-7 days .

2 . Bleeding symptoms , say skin rash that does not disappear even if the skin is stretched , bleeding gums , nosebleeds and bloody stools . Skin rash may appear alone or be made up with test weir . This test is done using a blood pressure cuff inflated around the arm to vascular distress . If positive will appear red spots .

3 . There is enlargement of the liver ( the liver enlarged when done palpability )

4 . Shock occurs , weak and rapid pulse , drop in blood pressure , child anxiety, cold hands and feet .

5 . Laboratory tests of platelet fall and an increase of blood viscosity . Platelets less than 100.000/ul and hematocrit increased 20 % from normal .

Examination of platelet and hematocrit is simple preliminary tests that can make us suspect the presence of dengue such as nosebleeds , bleeding gums , and so on . Normal platelet count is 150-200000 / ul . Platelets are down could be because of other diseases such as measles , chikungunya fever , a bacterial infection such as typhoid , and others. In dengue fever , a new platelet drop after 2-4 days .

Hematocrit showed improvement in patients with DHF . For Indonesian children , normal hematocrit values ​​around 37-43 % . Increased hematocrit is important , because it can distinguish dengue to other viral infections . However , need more specialized examinations such as finding dengue virus , or antibody and antigen reaction test for determining dengue .

Blood tests are done too early ( eg new fever one day ) can not be predicted , if a child hit by dengue. When the fever has occurred 3-4 days , increased hematocrit and platelet barulang decreased . Sometimes examination coupled with the Widal test for typhoid rid of .

New child fever one day does not need to be hospitalized . Parents quite helpful enough perkemabangan monitor childhood diseases at home . Children need to drink a lot and keeps body temperature monitored . Usually the doctor will ask the parent to come again , if after 3 days of fever did not subside .

Will be examined hemoglobin , platelets , and hematocrit . When the laboratory results showed no signs of decreased platelets or an increase in hematocrit , children had to be hospitalized . Especially when it's 3 days of fever does not go down , or dengue fever symptoms such as nosebleeds , bleeding gums , vomiting , weakness , and restlessness .

Public health management system owned by the Indonesian government as not running . If an outbreak has occurred , then there is coordination between hospitals .
Community Health Center and the Department of Health became the scapegoat , in addition to its own people accused for not maintaining health in the environment .
Worse yet , the condition of any outbreaks , hospital initiative will certainly tetao apply the principle of " only has money that can be treated and served" ironically , Governments are handing oversight to the public free of charge via the interpreter monitors jenti or " jumantik " , after the affair victims died .
Imagine , the Department of Health has recorded 12,482 dengue fever patients in 21 provinces, 241 of them died , until the end of February 2004 . In fact , the Province of Jakarta as the center of the country , the highest ranks - 4252 the number of people , 47 of them dead .
According to Rita Kusriastuti of Section Arbovirusasi Department of Health , the incidence of dengue in 2004 two times worse than the previous year . " Spraying is not a settlement en masse right . Mosquitoes lay 200-400 eggs per day , and then sprayed to death , but the next day a new mosquito born again " , said Rita from MOH .

Dengue is not a new disease because it occurs almost every year in line with the change of seasons , from rainy season to dry season . Indonesian Society already knows the signs and modes of transmission of dengue disease , since DHF into Indonesia since 36 years ago .

Deterrence is simple and does not need high -tech as in the case of SARS disease need to ensure laboratory tests in Atlanta . Only the necessary steps to eradicate dengue clear by growing change in attitude and awareness of all stakeholders , especially the community in maintaining the cleanliness of their environment .

With a large population , should the people of Indonesia can be a strength , helping each other , and worked together to clean the environment .

Imagine just a few simple steps that mosquito nest eradication ( PSN ) activities conducted by 3M , was supposed chain of infection as the cause of dengue Aedes aegypti can be broken up, so as not to spread widely .

When seeing neighboring countries , Malaysia , Singapore , and Vietnam , Indonesian citizens may just be biting the finger . Because in these countries was already successfully launched a dengue -free

That success could be obtained because the government's attention to the health of the environment is very high . In Singapore , environmental health problems even been incorporated into government regulations , including that the owner of the house contained mosquito larvae will be fined a maximum of $ 2,000 or the equivalent of rp Singapore . 11.2 million .

Apparently the neighboring country which is famous for its cleanliness and kerapihannya it in 2005 once in landan outbreak of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF ) or Dengue Fever Hemmorhagic . At that time , 14 209 people affected and 19 of them died .
That's the worst event for Singapore .

Looking at the fact that the Singapore government together people immediately conduct investigation into housing complexes , apartments , and shopping centers . It turns out that most of the Aedes aegypti mosquito nest in clear stagnant water in flower pots Yag spread almost throughout the country of 4.5 million people .

The Singapore government immediately implement strict rules , at least every other day Health Inspector , or health check existing mosquito larvae in the flower -pot poy . Similarly, the scientists and institutions in Singapore , busy doing penilitian , and the results are incredible, just less than one year , Singaporeans can enjoy the results , free of dengue mosquito bites .

What about Indonesia ?
Now the case of dengue fever has become International attention , the number of cases worldwide reached 50 million people per year .

But in Indonesia, the disease is not so experienced a positive development . Even up to 12 March 2004 has been declared as a province in the outbreak area ( Extraordinary Events ) . According to the Head of P2 - P & PL Bandung Health Office , dr . Chadidjah Thaib , M.Sc , from January to October of 2005, an increase in the number of cases and deaths from Bandung city residents due to dengue disease , the number of patients recorded as 2,558 people and 27 people died .

The number of deaths due to dengue could rise if people still do not have a high awareness regarding health and environmental hygiene ( Mind , October 15, 2005 )

There is the traditional way that 's worth a try because it is proven to be effective to raise platelet levels as aid to the dengue fever patients , such as by giving guava ( Psidium guajava ) to taste , plus 10 grams of turmeric , ginger and 10 grams in the juice and drink .

Guava is a miracle fruit that is familiar in our lives that give multimanfaat for health .
The fruit is very rich in vitamin C and some type of mineral that can counteract various types of degenerative diseases , as well as keep in shape .

It could also consume a concoction of 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods plus 30 grams of fresh bitter boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water , then drink warm. Or powdered ginger powder and turmeric powder plus bitter , each 5 g , brewed with boiling water add honey to taste , then drink warm.

DHF patients may experience a disruption in platelets or red blood decreased grain that can lead to rupture of blood vessels . To fix this , can take advantage of 30 grams plus 30 grams of fresh bitter god of fresh leaves , boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water and drunk .
To avoid mosquito bites can take advantage of 10 grams plus 10 grams of black meeting turmeric , ginger 10 grams , 10 grams of bitter , boiled with 700 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water then mix in honey to taste and drink .

DHF usually will attack those who live in rural areas , slums , moist , and children under the age of 15 years .
But do not rule out the possibility that the elite can live diperumahan attacked DBD , because a lot of stagnant water at home , either in flower pots or in the fish pond water crystal clear .

To prevent attacks , certainly with eradicating the Aedes mosquito virus into the media by not providing breeding places in the moist and juicy .

To eradicate the mosquitoes , larvae or nests should be eradicated . Because there are breeding places in homes and public places , then every family should close the opportunity for mosquitoes to breed by carrying mosquito nest eradication or PSN - DBD , on a regular basis at least once a week .

Create a healthy and clean environment . Tanami yard around the house with plants that can repel mosquitoes such as herbs lemongrass , lavender , and zodia .

Mosquito nest eradication activities include 3M - Plus is draining water reservoirs on a regular basis , burying junk that can hold water , shut the water reservoirs , and provide abate to kill mosquito larva .

Control and routinely clean the place tmpat - no puddles such as flower vases , dispensers , toilet , garbage can , bucket , tub shower , tub or water reservoir control , under the refrigerator , ornamental fish pond , bottles , old tires , and stuff - other second-hand goods , so as not to become a hotbed for breeding . In addition , fogging and break the chain of Aedes aegypti breeding primarily to abasitas , should also be performed .

When a person develops DHF , which could dilakaukan first aid is given to drink as much as possible with water that has been cooked , such as milk , tea , water benig , ORS , or other drinking water . While the patient can compress with cold water or ice water , and given medication such as paracetamol for fever . Subsequently , the patient should be immediately taken to the hospital .

Shape of the human body's reaction to the presence of dengue virus by the neutralization of the virus in the small blood vessels in the skin in the form of symptoms of rash ( rash) . Then an interruption in blood clotting function as a result of a decrease in the number and quality of frozen blood components that cause hemorrhagic manifestations . Draah vessels leak resulting in the release of plasma or liquid component of blood in the blood vessels leading to symptoms such as ascites abdominal cavity , and the cavity lining of the lungs in the form of symptoms of pleural effusion . If the human body has only the first and second reaction , the person will suffer from dengue fever .

Meanwhile , if the third reaction occurs , the person will experience a hemorrhagic dengue . If dengue fever occur , the symptoms are a sense of fever , body temperature reaches 39-40 degrees Celsius , and is accompanied by chills . The fever only lasted 5-7 days .

When the fever ends , often in the form of drops suddenly , accompanied by a lot of sweat , and body are lackluster . Sometimes, the technical term biphasik fever , namely fever that lasts for several days , had dropped in the middle to be normal , then up again and down again when the patient has been cured .

The onset of symptoms of heat will be immediately followed by the onset of pain in the whole body and decreases blood platelet levels , can be less than 100.000/mm3 .

In general , the complaints are muscle pain , joint pain , back , and nola sore eyes when in motion .
The existence of these painful symptoms , ordinary people often refer to it as the flu bones . After the patient recovered , the symptoms of pain in the whole body will be lost . A rash that can occur at the beginning of summer ( local face , neck , and chest flushed ) .
The rash also may occur on the fourth day after illness , in the form of red patches on the patches as small as measles .

Sometimes this rash like measles only arise on the hands or feet area just giving a specific form . In dengue virus infection especially in the clinical forms of dengue hemorrhagic , always accompanied by signs of bleeding .
It's just that bleeding is not always obtained spontaneously by the patient . Even to the most people , this sign did not appear until at tourniquet test .

The forms of spontaneous bleeding that occurs in patients with dengue fever can be a small hemorrhage in the skin ( petechiae ) , a rather large skin ( echimosis ) , gums , nose , and sometimes it can happen that can berkhir massive bleeding to death .

In certain children , if you suffered from heat accompanied with bloody nose ( epistaxis ) , it is known as habitual Epitaksis , due to temporary abnormality of frozen blood components caused by any form of infection and not just by the dengue virus .
There is also the other people , if taking medication when heat will be followed by the occurrence of bleeding in the nose


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