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Tips pregnant women

Pregnancy is often the cause of various health problems and psychiatric problems such as emotion and stress , however, still be a pregnancy periods extraordinary moment eagerly awaited by all mothers .

There are women who have to wait for years to get pregnant , there are also who immediately granted shortly after getting married everything will leave unforgettable memories for a woman who , although they had to pass many , pregnancy is still something beautiful and amazing . However, women should have a lot of knowledge in preparation to undergo a process of pregnancy is not at all easy .

There are many things to know by a woman to maintain a healthy body and her fetus . There are also a lot of preparation to do to live a smoothly delivery . Here are 10 tips that can be applied to pregnant women to maintain a healthy body and psychology before the birth of the baby that they have been waiting for.

Trimester early pregnancy
In early pregnancy trimester prospective mother should know some of the health problems that will occur and trying to figure out the right solution without too much panic . Pregnant women should be aware that the initial trimester of pregnancy are the most vulnerable moments of miscarriage so it is very risky for a woman to experience stress .

In the first trimester , pregnant women should maintain food intake to keep the fetus from birth defects . Consumption of folic acid 400 mg daily for 12 weeks is crucial to be applied to maintain the health of the baby .
Women who smoke or consume alcohol and should be stopped immediately after learning that they are pregnant . Cigarettes and alcohol on the risk of the baby so bad that it is important to keep the baby from both.

In the first trimester , pregnant women will be prone to nausea . It can not be a reason to not consume any food at all . Empty stomach can exacerbate nausea and may lower maternal health would be harmful to their fetuses . Let them eat bananas to fill the stomach and start looking for food with a fresh scent like ginger biscuits , tea, salad , orange juice , or mint .

In the first trimester , pregnant women should have a high psychological strength to conquer all difficulties early pregnancy is usually not easy , especially for women who face first through pregnancy in her life .

Women who are pregnant often experience drowsiness usually . Pregnant women should not procrastinate to sleep when they are getting sleepy . It is important to maintain the stamina and energy saving are always ready to face the problems of pregnancy . A strong body will be able to overcome the problems better .

Pregnant women have to work extra hard in maintaining health . Therefore , food intake must be carefully guarded . Foods that contain lots of vitamin A should be avoided . While foods that contain a lot of iron should be consumed to prevent anemia . UV light should also be avoided to prevent skin problems that often occur in pregnant women .

Entering the second trimester , pregnant women should begin to multiply exercise to prepare for the birth . In addition , exercise is also very good for pregnant women cope with health problems such as abdominal bloating and body weakness .
Pregnant women are also advised to maintain emotional stability in the second trimester to perform activities on vacation . In the last trimester pregnant , pregnant women should be calm and relaxed to prepare for the birth . Everything that is important for the preparation of such birth pregnancy exercise and others should be implemented with discipline .


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