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Characteristics of Early Breast Cancer

Characteristics of Early Breast Cancer - For those of you who are looking for a cure for breast cancer, you do not look anywhere where because we provide a solution that is a natural herbal treatment with Maxs Ace, Ace Maxs is the best solution to cure breast cancer quickly and not cause side effects. Because Ace Maxs contain natural herbal ingredients that extra option of mangosteen peel and soursop leaves contains many properties to cure various diseases such complaints breast cancer and other cancers.

Information on early-stage breast cancer

Breast cancer (breast carcinoma) is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. This type of cancer is common in women and it is possible if it occurs in men, it's just a very rare case.

The frequency of cases of this disease is relatively high in developed countries and is the largest suffered from other types of cancer. While in Indonesia, breast cancer ranks second only to cervical cancer.

Esophageal Cancer Risk Factors Breast

The cause of breast cancer is not known with certainty, but there are several factors that allow a woman's risk of developing this disease, which is as follows:

Family history of breast cancer.
Women who have never been pregnant and given birth.
The first pregnancy occurred after the age of 30 years.
The first menstruation at the age under 12 years and menopause after age 55 years.
The use of birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy.
Postmenopausal obesity and alcohol consumption.
Chemical - Several studies have cited the exposure of chemicals that mimic estrogen (which is contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer.
The use of DES (diethylstilbestrol). Women who took DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer.

Keep in mind that the factors mentioned above are not always breast cancer can trigger an attack, but often a person's life history of breast cancer associated with these factors.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

There are several symptoms of breast cancer that can be seen. Here are the symptoms in question:

A lump in the breast that can be touched.
Changes in the shape and size of the breast.
Wound around the nipple and surrounding areas which are difficult to heal.
The presence of fluid (blood or pus-yellow to greenish) are out of the nipple.
Changes in the nipple such as itching, burning sensation, and attracted to the (retracted).
The presence of wrinkles (such as lime) on the skin of the breast.
At an advanced stage may develop bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or ulcerated skin.

Another characteristic signs and symptoms of breast cancer are:

Benjolam small breasts. These lumps are usually painless and small size. But soon enlarged and attached to the skin and cause discoloration of the nipple or breast and.
Eczema or erosion of the nipple. Furthermore, skin or nipple interested into (retraction), pink or brown to be a cause of edema that becomes like an orange peel, shrink and become ulcers. Ulcers enlarged and deeply damaging to the breast. Foul and bloody. Other characteristics are bleeding nipples. Pain / tenderness when the tumor had enlarged and ulcers arise. Then arises, namely enlargement of the underarm lymph nodes, swelling of the arm. Then there was the spread of cancer throughout the body. Advanced breast cancer is very easy to note that the existence of the breast skin is quite broad, and there are satellite nodules. The presence of edema in the arm, metastease far, occurring skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed. The presence of axillary lymph nodes.
Nipple discharge or a discharge. The third symptom is a discharge that is as electronegative as natural and spontaneous than the so-called white or nipple discharge. Why did not the liquid is said to be normal, not least because the normal fluid only come out on pregnant women, nursing or taking the contraceptive pill. The hallmark of this fluid, watery bloody fluid, red or brown, go out alone without massaged. Out by continually on one breast. For those of you who have these traits should be vigilant and see a doctor immediately to prevent the cancer getting worse.

Immediately consult your doctor if you are breast symptoms arise which have been mentioned in order to be properly handled. Endeavored to make early diagnosis of breast cancer is easier to treat and can be cured if it is still in its early stages.

For early detection, can be done on breast self-examination every 5-7 days after the menstrual period, with mammography (X-ray examination), or with a biopsy (a little lift to the diagnosis of mammary gland tissue).

Breast Cancer Prevention

Many risk factors can not be controlled. However, some dietitians and oncologists believe that changes in diet and lifestyle, in general can reduce the occurrence of cancer.

At present, the factors shown to play an important role in the process of tumor is estrogen. Estrogen is a sex hormone that functions to form secondary and mature female genital organs, including the breast, during puberty.

Estrogen triggers the growth and maturation of cells in the female genital organs called duct cells. The duct cells will then divide normally. Moments duct cell maturation is the most vulnerable time for the cells exposed to mutation.

If there is one cell to mutate due to hereditary factors, radiation, free radicals, etc., then these cells may divide excessively that so will develop into cancer.

From this it can be concluded that estrogen is one of the factors responsible for the risk of breast cancer. What do each of the women to prevent breast cancer?

Make early detection (self-examination) every month after the menstrual period and clinical examination (mammography and biopsy).
Avoid eating foods that are high in fat.
The use of a drug or hormone-containing contraceptives should be prescribed by the physician.
Breastfeeding baby as long as possible (up to about 2 years).
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and soy including processed products.

The key to survival is to detect breast cancer early, before it has a chance to spread. Personal breast exam should be done regularly every month, because a woman must be vigilant in looking for something that looks or feels suspicious in her breast, such as the hardening or lumps.

No matter how small the results of his findings, he should immediately contact a doctor. The earlier a lump is diagnosed, the greater the control that women have on their future


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