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Kettlebell Challenge Workouts

An Inside look at Kettlebell Challenge Workouts by Forest Vance

Do you wish you could get in shape in a minimal amount of time with maximum impact?

Are the same workouts boring you?
Do you hate working out in front of others, using 10 pieces of equipment and spending hours, without getting the results you want?
What if I told you there was a set of workouts you could do with nothing but your body weight and a Kettlebell in under 20 minutes?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, get ready to be amazed by these workout!
Click Here For More Info!
Forest Vance is a former pro Football player and a Russian Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 certified expert who has burned off many pounds using Kettlebells. Along with a smart diet, his semi-weekly exercise regimen enabled him to lose 64 lbs in 7 months.
How did he do it? Simply put, high intensity intervals with Kettlebells.

The Amazing Combination of Performance-based workouts and Kettlebells

This workout combines bodyweight exercises and kettlebells. They perfectly incorporate these workouts with these tools. Mostly these workouts take twenty or fewer minutes using just a SINGLE KETTLEBELL and your body!
This method boasts some amazing results!
Click Here to see More!
A sample kettlebell challenge workout is:
With a 55lbs Kettlebell for Men and a 35lbs kettlebell for women:
Start with 50 Snatches switching hands if you want
Then do 50 Swings, switching hands
Then do 100 on hand swings
Finally do 100 Two hand Swings
That’s 300 Kettlebell Exercises and you should be able to complete these within 15-20 minutes (do them as fast as possible). This will be a MAJOR challenge, so rest as necessary, drink plenty of fluids, but try to improve on the time each time you attampt this.
Click Here to Order Kettlebell Challenge Workouts For More workouts like this!
Another one is a 3 minute workout… That’s right, 3 minutes just to shred here
1 – Quick warmup with 2 rounds of body weight circuits:
side planks
wall slides
for 20 seconds each
2 – Do a few double-hand swings to warm up your “swing”
3 – Start a 3 minute timer. For 3 minutes, do as many snatches as you are able to. Switch arms, put it down when you have to, but do as many as you can. Whatever works for you.
whatever strategy is best for you.
4 – Finally, make sure and finish off with a stretch.
Pick a proper weighted bell, make an honest effort, and you’ll be smoked after 3 minutes!
If you liked this, you can get dozens more like it in Forest Vance’s new Kettlebell Challenge Workouts 2.0 program – on sale, for this week only. Click the link above to grab your copy before the price jumps!


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