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Essential Nutrition For Soccer Players

Essential Nutrition For Soccer Players

Essential Nutrition For Soccer Players. Even though the physical condition of the players of our national team is said to have increased by 80 percent, it is considered not 100 percent ready for combat. Then, what is lacking from the preparation of the green field athletes? Nutrition and rest was judged to be an important factor Dlm support their performance. Thus, the national team who had gone to Turkmenistan today, Wednesday (20/7), are required for maintaining nutrition and rest in order to provide maximum resistance when the game away party, July 23 Stadium later in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. This also raises the question, how important is nutrition for a football player? For an athlete, especially a football player, the food you eat should make it able to maintain fitness and energy needs Dlm compete. Then, the food you like what athletes should eat? Here adl some important nutrients for football players: 1. Simple carbohydrates can be found in candy, cookies, soft drinks, and jams.

2. Complex carbohydrates can be found in rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, cereal, and fruit. 3. Saturated fats can be found Dlm butter, margarine, and cheese. 4. Unsaturated fats can be found Dlm sun flower oil, salmon, and nuts. 5. Protein can be found Dlm milk, chicken, fish, eggs, and yogurt. 6. Vitamins and minerals can be found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. 7. The fiber contained Dlm seeds, peas, and beans Then, it is important also for eating some of these foods:

1. Meat, fish, eggs, and nuts. 2. Vegetables and fruits, especially leafy vegetables, salads, apples, oranges, bananas.


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