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Dengue Drugs

Dengue Drugs . For those of you who have complaints Dengue disease should not worry because we will give you the best solution to overcome the disease Dengue Dengue Drugs of Jelly Gamat Gold - G is a proven efficacy in treating Dengue disease , because it is made from natural ingredients without containing chemicals and any side effects so it is safe for consumption by all your

Overview Dengue Fever

Dengue fever ( dengue ) has become a common priority in our environment . What else in the slum areas and flood prone . Haemorrhagic fever ( dengue ) is an acute febrile disease caused by the dengue virus , which enters the human bloodstream by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes , such as Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus . There are four different types of dengue virus , but close related , which can cause dengue fever . Dengue virus is a virus of the genus Flavivirus , family Flaviviridae . The disease is commonly found tropical areas like Southeast Asia , India , Brazil , the United States including in all corners of Indonesia , except in places a height of more than 1000 meters above sea level . The World Health Organization ( WHO ) estimates that each year there are 50-100 million cases of dengue virus infection in the whole world.And we have a solution for treating dengue fever is to consume Jelly Gamat Gold - G as Dengue Drugs safe and potent

Symptoms of Dengue Fever For Sbb :
fever without cough accompanied
continuous high fever , body temperature is around 39-40 degrees Celsius , it causes headaches in patients
appear red spots , but this does not always occur in every case
stomach pain or nausea
aching body , or pain in the joints
Dengue Drugs From Jelly Gamat Gold - G

Jelly Gamat Gold - G as Dengue Drugs is the best natural medicine to treat disease and dengue fever could also treat chronic and non- chronic diseases safely , with no side effects at all because in the Gold - G Sea Cucumber Jelly contains a substance that can kill the virus that causes dengue fever is thick and thin blood platelets as a result of the decline , improve circulation obstructed as a side effect of dengue virus . In addition , gamat believed to neutralize gastric acidity increases, the blood thins thick platelets due turunnva , improve circulation obstructed as a side effect of contracting the virus dengue.Silahkan Click Here How to Order

Dengue Drugs of Jelly Gamat Gold - G a health drink that has a high value natural properties which now comes in new packaging with better quality . There are many benefits contained in this g gold gamat jelly . Jelly Gamat gold g made ​​from natural materials gamat golden sea cucumber or sea from the Golden Stichopus variegatus species which is the best species and the only species containing Gamapeptide ( not found in other species of sea cucumber ) . Natural ingredient contained in this gamat jelly has some content such as protein 86.8 % , ( GAG 's ) . , And privileges of Jelly Gamat Gold - G is , in addition to drink but can also apply to parts of your body affected by injuries , such as cuts, scrapes , burns, cesar and so on , with your applying a regular basis , then you will quickly dry the wound and heal without scar again

Dengue Drugs of Jelly Gamat Gold - G has been proven to overcome Dengue disease , following the true story of one of the Dengue disease patients who consume Jelly Gamat Gold - G as Dengue Drugs

Nino Sastrahusada
Sunday , April 1, 2007 00:00 administrator ( Poster magazine online source )

Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Airlines flight headed , Malaysia , getting closer to the time of departure . While it is listed as a passenger , Nino Sastrahusada thinking back to continue his journey . Her body chills and aches , headache , nausea , and fatigue . The final decision still left because he suspected the extent of his suffering flu due to lack of sleep three nights complete the task . His work in the neighboring country also can not wait much longer . Arriving in Kuala Lumpur , Nino straight to medical experts . Although more days , said Nino reiterated doctor . Therefore , a variety of new virus visible distribution after 72 hours of incubation in the body . Chances ; influenza , typhoid , hepatitis , and dengue fever .

Doctors provide drugs to relieve pain and fever . However , to maintain and improve health , more trusting Nino gamat - term efficacy of sea cucumber extract in Malaysia - which has been consumed for 2 years . Typically measuring only 2 x 1 Tbsp . This time , Nino choose downing 50 ml 3 times a day plus spirulina that direct heat down and the pain disappeared . Therefore , the man born 48 years ago it was still doing a variety of activities , Please Click Here How to Order

Swollen spleen
Four days later , Nino arrived in Jakarta . He immediately went to the hospital . The test results laboratarium , viruses menvebar throughout tubuhnva is dengue , dengue fever carried penvebab mosquito Aedes aegypti . Parameters , the value of platelets just 110,000 u / L of the normal threshold of 230,000 U / L , 10 cm spleen to swell , and Activated Partial thromboplastin Time or activated partial thromboplastin time was only 14 seconds from the normal threshold of 25-43 seconds . He was advised to undergo medical treatment in hospital .

However , although Nino refused insurance policies will cover the cost of the curing in the international hospital . He believes penyakitnva will subside with rest and beche de mer supplements - term sea cucumbers in France - every day . Because feel fitter , Nino returned check their health . Doctors diagnose dengue virus is spread animal - like a mythical blood-sucking vampire - in during the day was lost . "Luckily I drink gamat . If not , I would not be able to do any activity and much more tumbled tronibositnya : Nino said .

So it has been proven that Gamat Jelly Gold - G as Drugs to treat Dengue and dengue fever could also treat other diseases , so you should not hesitate to make your choice Gold - G Sea Cucumber Jelly as Dengue Drugs are safe and effective .


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