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characteristics of malnutrition

Malnutrition is a state of malnutrition caused by low consumption of energy and protein in the daily diet - so it does not meet the nutritional adequacy rate .

How to know toddlers suffer from malnutrition in a way anthropometry ?
Determination of malnutrition can be done with a toddler weigh compared to the age of the child against the WHO standard age - NCHS.Bila using KMS , malnutrition children weighing results can not be determined whether under five suffer from malnutrition .
Therefore, to determine malnutrition children required tables WHO - NCHS .

How clinical symptoms Toddler Malnutrition ? ? ?
Clinical symptoms of malnutrition can dibadakan into 3 namely :
Marasmus , kwashiorkor and Marasmus - Kwarshiorkor

Signs of marasmus :
Children are very thin
Faces such as the elderly
concave stomach
skin wrinkles

Signs of kwashiorkor :
Swelling throughout the body , especially the legs
Rounded and swollen face
Thin hair , redness , and easy to remove
Whiny , fussy , and apathy
muscles shrink

Signs of Marasmus - Kwashiorkor is a combination of the two types of signs above .
- Breastfeed as desired children , most sediit 8x a day , day and night
- Do not be given food and drink other than breast milk .


- Breastfeed as desired children , most sediit 8x a day , day and night
- Provide feeding 2x a day every time 2 tablespoons
- Provision of complementary feeding is done after breast feeding
- Mkanan are complementary : the team Porridge creamed / yellow egg / chicken / fish / tofu / tempeh / beef / worte / spinach / pea

- Breastfeed as desired children , most sediit 8x a day , day and night
- Give rice porridge / egg / chicken / okan / tempeh / tofu / beef / carrot / spinach / green bean / coconut oil .

The food was given 3x sehari.setiap meals are given as follows :
Age : 6 months : 6 tablespoons
           7bulan : 7 tablespoons
          8 months : 8 tablespoons
          9 months : 9 tablespoons
         10 months : 10 tablespoons
         11 months : 11 tablespoons

- Give interlude 2x daily Makana also like :
Kacanghijau porridge / banana / biscuit / nagasari and forth between meals

- Give the child breast milk as desired
- Give the mushy rice plus an egg / chicken / fish / tempeh tofu / beef / carrot / spinach / green bean / coconut milk / oil .
- Give these meals 3 times a day
- Provide also a snack between meals 2x a day is :
- Green bean porridge / banana / Confectionery / Nagasari / Etcetera

Prompts feeding for children with diarrhea :
- If you still breastfed , give more frequent and more lamasiang and night .
- If the child gets milk in addition to breast milk :
- Replace with improving breastfeeding or
- Replace half the milk with rice porridge plus Tempe
- Do not be sweetened condensed milk
- For other foods , follow the recommended feeding according to the age of the child .


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