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Suspension Revolution Review – What You Need to Know!

Suspension Revolution Review – What You Need to Know!

Click here for Suspension Revolution
Suspension Revolution Review
Dan Long Created Suspension Revolution
This is our Suspension Revolution Review.  If you’re looking for the official Dan Long Suspension Revolution site click the link below:
Suspension Revolution Site
If you click on the image to the right, you will also be taken to a video that Dan Long, the creator of Suspension Revolution, put together for you, showing a rundown of a few of the 190+ suspension exercises.
Anyway, below is my Suspension Revolution review.
The first time I heard about Suspension Revolution, it was through an email on Craig Ballatine’s list if I remember correctly.  I’ve tried out different trying out different exercise programs and routines; I’ve delved into interval training to weight lifting to using yoga and stability balls; but this was the first time I ever heard of “Suspension Training” where you use “bungee-looking” ropes or slings to create bodyweight resistance for strength, core and toning.

Suspension Revolution – What is It?

Suspension Revolution is a suspension exercise and muscle development program put together by Dan Long, CPT, CKMT, fitness coach, suspension trainer, and also owner of Kill Mode Training Co (Tampa, FL).
Suspension Revolution is made of 4 programs of workouts:
  • 4-Week Beginner
  • 4-Week Intermediate
  • 12-Week Advanced
  • Strap After-Burn Finishers
  • A bonus DVD – “The Top 10 Suspension Exercises That No One Else Does”
Suspension training and Suspension Revolution present an interesting angle to bodyweight resistance training: instead of lifting bars or dumbells, or even yourself in pushup or pull-ups, you “suspend” your body by pushing upon what look like ropes or straps, allowing for resistance training against one’s body weight; while at the same time, balancing and engaging your stomach and back.  But it is also supposed to be a quicker workout while burning more calories because the suspension training hits muscles not typically targeted through routine workouts.  (again, you can see some of the exercises in a quick video by Dan Long below)
Suspension Revolution Review
Suspension Revolution
I have read that more gyms around the world are implementing suspension training (with TRX in particular) the world, realizing that full tense muscle building and engagement burns overall fat fast.   Other exercises only implement a portion of your body’s overall musculature with running and interval training engaging a higher percentage.  But suspension training when done correctly ask all 600 muscles to “get to work”.
The combination of exercises in Suspension Revolution have only been taught to Dan Long’s clients and are not being used by trainers who use suspension straps in their gyms.   Suspension Revolution provides 27 workout and 191 suspension exercises.
Dan says his suspension training program is used by many athletes that come to him to get stronger and leaner as well as actors who need to get “shredded” fast for an upcoming role.

Suspension Revolution – What I Liked

What I liked about Suspension Revolution is that I felt that my body was continuously engaged, the muscles working hard through the full range of movement.  In particular, you can’t help but engage your core muscles in order to maintain stability so the exercises are really beneficial for your back and posture.  The benefit to using the suspension revolution product is that working these muscles this way – even for a little bit – pushes them so thoroughly that reaching the more advanced stuff doesn’t take as long.  More bang for your buck in that way.
I also greatly appreciated that suspension training and suspension exercises are Dan Long’s passions and it shows.  He’s refined this program from his time owning Kill Mode training and years of being a fitness coach.
I also like that you only need one piece of equipment to implement this program.  So you can reduce costs (and the need for floor space).

Suspension Revolution – What I Didn’t Like

Suspension training takes some time to get used to, until you get the flow of the range of movement for the exercises, especially for my weaker joints as I’ve gotten older (Always be sure to need to consult with your doctor or therapist first).  But once one gets the hang of it, suspension training and the the Suspension Revolution product seems to be a great way to ramp up to the next fitness level, especially if you already have some semblance of core strength and flexibility.  But for those who are not at that level of fitness as of yet (like me), suspension training needs to be done in a slow, but sure and safe manner.  Working one’s way up to doing more as your muscles get stronger is the best way to go (for any program really!).  But this need to ease into suspension exercising only goes to show how effective Suspension Revolution is: it lengthens and angles your muscles in a way you may not be accustomed.  It’s not a knock on Suspension Revolution but underscores how Suspension Revolution is a new type of is designed to push you past your plateaus.  It is divided into basic and more advanced levels in 4 and 12 week programs so that’s good.

Suspension Revolution – Overall Thoughts

I really like Suspension Revolution.  I think that suspension training provides a new, but effective way to ramp up your fitness goals, build strength and get ripped in areas of your body that wouldn’t normally get targeted.  That seems to me an excellent benchmark for any fitness product.   And Suspension Revolution seems like a worthy one for those who enjoy the benefits of suspension training for overall fitness and health and looking good.
Check out Suspension Revolution.  I think you’ll like it!
Click here for Suspension Revolution.


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