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Reiki Master Training The Third Way

You Can Be A Reiki Master.

You can now quickly discover how to channel the beautiful healing energy of Reiki to help heal yourself, friends and family.
You can learn how to heal animals and pets, and how to send Reiki Healing to trouble spots around the world.
You will also discover how to attune others to Reiki and help spread this beautiful healing art and how to give Reiki treatments professionally to paying clients too.
Reiki Distance Learning means that professional Reiki training is a reality for you today.
For the very first time the entire Reiki One, Reiki Two and Reiki Master courses have been narrated and made into easy to follow and clear recordings. This makes it possable for you to learn Reiki directly from a highly experienced Reiki Master in the comfort of your own home.
26 fascinating, in-depth talks guide you through each stage of your Reiki training.
Easy to follow lesson planners, clear and detailed illustration, 3 Reiki Manuals, simple practice guides and guided self-healing sessions all go to make absolutely sure that you become a Fully Qualified and Confident Reiki Master.
You also receive one-to-one email and online help, support and guidance throughout the course, if you have any questions or want to discuss anything about your training, send me an email and I will help you each step of the way.


Learning Reiki At Home.

Learning Reiki At Home allows you to be in control of your progress through the course and learn Reiki at a pace which is right for you.
You can take as long as you like to fully explore each level so that you are absolutely confident about using Reiki.
You can also listen to each talk as many times as you like to build unshakable certainty and become a true master of Reiki.
Simply press play on your media player, (or transfer the talks onto your MP3 player) and you are free to relax and listen to a Reiki Master/Teacher guiding you through each stage of your Reiki development........
"It's like having a Reiki Master in your own home passing all of the Reiki secrets to you and guiding you all the way to being a true Reiki Master yourself....."

What If I'm New To Reiki?

Not A Problem........
The course has been carefully designed to introduce you to Reiki and quickly get you started giving Reiki treatments to yourself and others.
And as you progress through the Reiki One, Reiki Two and Reiki Master courses you will soon see your knowledge and understanding of Reiki grow and grow.
So even if you are totally new to Reiki and have never taken a class, workshop, read a book or received a Reiki treatment, you will be guided step-by-step through each level of Reiki from complete beginner (Reiki One) to full and confident Reiki Master.
And remember that one-to-one help, advice, support and guidance is only ever an email away.
You will quickly discover how and why Reiki is one of the simplest to learn and most powerful forms of natural healing....(Talk #1)
Discover how to use the simple "Reiki Principles" to promote harmony and peace in your life....
(Talk #3)
You will discover how to cleanse your body of toxins with Reiki.... (Talk #4)
How to clear emotional blockages and relieve stress.... (Talk #10)
You will discover how to use Reiki for self-empowerment.... (Talks #16 & #25)
And you will also find out how to use Reiki to help heal past, present and future events .... (Talk #14)
The entire Reiki One, Reiki Two and Reiki Master Courses are contained in these truly inspired talks.
And you also receive detailed lesson planners, 3 Reiki Manuals, attunements to each level of Reiki, Professional certificates and unlimited help, support and guidance through your Reiki training.

.....I took a Reiki One Workshop last year and I have been practicing on and off since then. But I have to tell you that your distance learning program gave me much more information than I got from the workshop, the talks are a great idea and I am enjoying each part of the course. My enthusiasm has returned, and I thank you for that.... "

Your Reiki Attunements.

You receive 3 very powerful Reiki distance attunements with the course.
The word "Attune" means : To bring into harmony.
And that’s exactly what your Reiki attunements do.
They bring you into harmony with the healing source of Reiki, so that you can skillfully channel and apply Reiki healing to yourself and others.
You receive attunements to each level of Reiki as you progress through the course.
Reiki Attunements are beautiful, calming and deeply empowering experiences which awaken the source of Reiki Healing within you.
And you receive full details of how to prepare for and receive your attunements with the course.
How to prepare for your Reiki Attunements....(Talk #5)
Distance Attunements to Reiki One, Reiki Two and Reiki Master....(Details given with the course)
Reiki Natural Attunement MP3s....(Talks #7, 18 & 22)
.....Hi Dave, I just wanted to thank you for my master attunement, I feel that I have arrived somewhere. I have enjoyed the course very much and thank you again for all of your support....."

Reiki Guided Self-Healing.

You will quickly discover the full personal benefit of receiving regular Reiki treatments when you start your "Guided Self-Healing".
After your attunements you will be guided through your Reiki Self-Healing so that you can receive the full benefit of the Reiki treatments which you give to yourself.
Reiki Self-Healing will bring you closer and closer to the source of Reiki each time you do it, and it will also greatly increase your confidence and ability to use Reiki.
Your whole body, mind and spirit will be gently cleansed and revitalized with the healing power of Reiki.
You simply relax in your favorite spot, press play on your media player and you will be guide through each step of your Reiki Self-Healing.
Find out how to give yourself regular Reiki "self-healing" sessions to empower and rejuvenate your own body, mind and spirit....
(Guided Self-Healing sessions are included with the course.)

".....I am a Reiki Master but I enrolled on the course to see how it was delivered. The guided-self healing is a fantastic idea, as this is an area where many students struggle, and your understanding of Reiki and depth of knowledge really shines through in the course. Congratulation for putting together a very complete and clear Reiki Master Course......"
Graham Dodds. UK.

Treating Others.

Giving Reiki treatments to others is a deeply rewarding thing to do.
And you will discover exactly how to perform Reiki treatments with confidence so that you can give Reiki to friends, family, pets and animals, plants and paying clients too.
You will discover how to use each of the Reiki Symbol in your healing and also how to attune others to Reiki.
I’ve included comprehensive practice guides with the course which explain exactly how to practice giving Reiki treatments to others.
So when It comes to actually giving your first Reiki treatment to another you will be absolutely sure about how to conduct the treatment from beginning to end.
Find out how to practice giving Reiki treatments so that you can confidently give Reiki to others.... (Talk #6)
Discover the true power of the Reiki Symbols and how you can easily use them to give Reiki healing to yourself, friends and family, pets, animals and all living things.... (Talks #3, #10, #11 and #19)
Why should “well” people also receive Reiki healing?... (Talk #16)
Learn how to instantly send Reiki healing to others anywhere in the world with Reiki Distance Healing.... (Talk #15)
How to teach Reiki to others.... (Talk #22)
How to attune others to Reiki so that you can help to spread the healing power of Reiki....(Talk #23)
".....i gave my first Reiki treatment to a friend and she was totally blown away, i did it the same way as i had practiced and although i must admit i was a little nervous to begin with, i soon settled into it....."
Sharon. UK.

Course Contents.

The Course is packed full with all of the information you need to master each level of Reiki so that you are confident about every aspect of Reiki, how to use it and what you can achieve with it.
You Receive:
  • 26 In-Depth Talks Which Cover Every Part Of The Reiki-One, Reiki-Two And Reiki-Master Courses.
    These talks cover every aspect of the full Reiki-One, Reiki-Two and Reiki-Master Courses in great depth and detail. They are very easy to listen to and everything is clearly explained.
  • 3 Detailed Lesson Planners.
    Each step of your progress to Reiki Master is laid out in the simple to follow lesson planners, as you follow these simple steps you will see your knowledge and ability to use Reiki grow and grow.
  • Diagrams Of Each Of The Reiki Symbols.
    It is important that you know each of the Reiki Symbols and how to use them in your Reiki Self-Healing and when treating others. The diagrams included with the course make it very easy for you to start using the Reiki symbols and make sure that you are confident about what each symbol means and how to use it correctly
  • Illustrations Of The Reiki Hand Positions.
    You will learn the 12 hand positions that are used in Reiki healing. These illustrations clearly show you each of the hand position and how to use them in your treatments.
  • 3 Reiki Manuals.
    Although you receive each part of the Reiki-One, Reiki-Two and Reiki-Master courses as detailed talks, you also receive three full and complete printable Reiki manuals too (60 pages each).
  • Professional Certificate For Reiki Levels One, Two and Master.
    Each level of the Reiki Distance Learning Course comes with a professional certificate. Your "Certified Reiki Practitioner” (Reiki-One), "Advanced Reiki Practitioner" (Reiki-Two) and your "Reiki-Master" certificates are included with the course.
  • 2 Guided Self-Healing Recordings.
    You will discover the wonder of Reiki Self-Healing and you will be guided through each step of your Reiki Self-Healing by these truly inspired “Guided Self-healing” recordings so that you receive maximum benefit.
  • 3 Powerful Reiki Attunements.
    You will be attuned to each level of Reiki with three very powerful Reiki attunements. You attunements and full instruction of how to prepare yourself for them are also included with the course.
  • Unlimited Help, Support and Guidance.
    The Reiki Distance Learning Course is by far the easiest, most detailed and convenient way to become a Reiki Master, but if you have any questions about the course or your progress, help and support is only ever an email away. I have included my special “Student Hot Line” email address with the course so that I can give any of your questions priority.
”.....I know it sounds corny, but listening to the recordings was just like having a Reiki Master in the room with me. And being able to listen to the talks a few times has really helped me to get a good firm grasp of Reiki. I plan to start giving reiki treatments soon and the practice sessions have helped me build confidence......."
Many thanks.
Lynn AU.

Your Progress To Reiki Master.

You receive instant access to all of the materials listed above in a simple download onto your computer.
Once you download the course the very first thing to do is look through the "Reiki One Lesson Planner" which will give you detailed instructions of how to get started on your Reiki training.
To become a true master of Reiki it is essential that you learn each level of Reiki and come to master each level as you progress.
The 3 lesson planners guide you through each stage of the course so that your knowledge and ability to use Reiki keeps steadily growing as you progress all the way to becoming a confident Reiki Master.
And remember that help, support and guidance is only ever an email away.



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