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Bigger, Better, Faster, Now

I’ll tell you more about that in a minute, but first, let me introduce myself.justinown1
My name is Justin Woltering and I am a Fitness Expert, Celebrity Trainer, and  Dymatize Sponsored Athlete.
I have been featured on television, The New York Times, Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Health, Huffington Post, Reps! Magazine, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Workout, Calendars, Book Covers, Fragrance and Clothing Campaigns, and much more.
skinnyjThink my methods can only work for bodybuilders, natural-born models, and other genetic freaks? Think again! I used to be rail-thin and weak, a total stranger to the weight room. When it came to building muscle, I had no clue what I was doing, and I thought I was going to be skinny forever.
Fortunately, I finally did figure out how to eat right and train hard, and I started growing muscle like crazy! After just a few months of doing things the right way, everyone I knew was telling me I looked like a totally different person. I packed on tons of mass, I got six-pack lean, and I gained a ton of confidence, to boot.
Getting there wasn’t easy, though. Before my progress took off, I spent YEARS spinning my wheels in the gym. I watched other guys get huge, while I could barely seem to gain a pound – on my body OR my bench press! Figuring out WHAT to do was as hard as actually doing it!
Now make no mistake, building muscle DOES take a ton of hard work – it just doesn’t need to take years of your life or an obsession with the gym. With focus and a proper plan, you really can make huge gains in just a few weeks. Instead of wasting your time on ineffective routines, you can shortcut your way to success by learning from MY experience and mistakes.
My cutting-edge fitness program has made me one of the most sought after celebrity trainers in the world. Because of the high-demand for my training services, I decided to create a revolutionary fitness program that can be used by anyone at anytime, no matter where you live.
But enough about me…

I created this powerful system by utilizing my personal experience and success to help YOU finally get the body that you want and rightfully deserve…. I’ve compiled all of this in a new, breakthrough fitness program and membership area that shows you exactly…
  • How to boost your body’s most important hormones that build muscle and flat out tell you…
  • What foods to eat to keep your body anabolic.
  • What exercises will slap on pounds of quality muscle in no timeIs a curl as good an exercise as a squat? Can you build a huge chest without the bench press? Do you even need to lift heavy? I’ll tell you exactly what movements you should do to maximize your time and effort in the gym.
  • How to recover your body as quickly as possibleYou can beat your body into the ground, but it’ll all be for nothing if you can’t recuperate. Muscle-building requires a constant cycle of hard training and recovery, so I’ll tell you exactly how you should rest up for your next workout.
  • Proper lifting technique. You might know the best exercises, but can you actually perform them properly? I’ll give you the tips and tricks to make every rep as effective as possible. Don’t be just another joker who does half-squats and bouncy bench presses.
  • The truth about supplements, steroids, natural foods, philosophy…The stuff that nobody wants to talk about! Do you really NEED to buy supplements? Can you get big without steroids and other drugs? Are so-called “natural” foods the key to a strong, healthy body? It’s all in the Bigger Better Faster 2.0 ebook.
There is NO such thing as a “Hard-Gainer!”

I don’t care if everything you’ve tried in the past failed you miserably. Contrary to popular belief, there is NO such thing as a “hard-gainer!” Some guys have it harder than others, but EVERYONE can get big through proper diet and training. You may have failed to gain muscle up until now, but that’s because you’ve been following the conventional wisdom. I’ll teach you the same methods that took me from a rail-thin weakling to an international fitness model.
I don’t care if you’ve tried all the supplements & programs that promise results, only to experience little or even no results at all. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the supplement companies’ motivation is their bottom line. Why would they sell you affordable, effective products if they can make more money hocking overpriced, do-nothing crap? And the programs you usually see? They’re promoted by those same companies just to sell you more supplements. They’re just like big drug companies – they want to keep you on the hook, not cure you! Buck the trend, ditch the snake oil, and start getting real results.
I don’t care if you’ve been scrawny your entire life —this is guaranteed to work for you. Your genetics are only part of the equation. Sure, some guys have tons of trouble putting on mass – but others just can’t seem to lose a pound to save their lives. In the end, your weight gain or weight loss will all come down to your diet. And no, you haven’t REALLY tried “eating a lot” (or eating the right stuff) until you’ve followed a program like this one.
If You Follow This System YOU WILL….

Start adding muscle — in as little as 48 hours!
That’s right, you really can start making progress that fast. It may sound weird if you’ve been struggling up until now, but your body is in a constant state of repair and growth. Give it the right stimulus (hard training), and provide the building blocks (proper diet), and you’ll start building lean muscle tissue after your very first workout on this program. It’s amazing how quickly you can ramp up your progress when you put all the pieces into place.
Have a body that turn heads everywhere you go
Let’s be honest, every guy wants to look good and turn heads. Sure, there’s personal satisfaction, mental strength, and the enjoyment of a great physique – but most guys do enjoy a little attention from others. It’s kind of sad how out-of-shape most men are these days, but that just means you’ll attract even more attention once you get your lifting game together.
Melt away unwanted body fat.
I give a lot of advice to skinny guys, but I’ve got tons of tips for fat loss, as well. Believe it or not, even a formerly thin guy like me has to diet every once in a while! In fact, it can be pretty damn difficult to get as lean as necessary for contests and photo shoots. My profession has forced me to develop a fat-shredding system that’s so effective, cutting in your body fat percentage in HALF will seem like a walk in the park. There’s no reason to suffer a meager diet and endless exercise if you just want to be lean and healthy.
Boost your metabolism
Think it’s going to be too tough to maintain that big, lean physique? Think again! Yes, you will need to keep training hard – but keeping what you’ve gained is always easier than building it in the first place. Once you put my diet and training strategies into practice, your body will become a 24/7 fat-burning, muscle-building machine. You won’t need to worry about missing the occasional meal, or enjoying some junk food now and again. Plus, I’ve got a few killer tips for ripping fat fast when you go overboard on a long weekend or holiday.

Book Description

November 11, 2010
With all of the conflicting and confusing information out there about how to build muscle, lift weights, and eat for mass gains, one of your best bets is to use a bodybuilding guide. They can get you on the right track to gaining muscle mass.

This e-book will explain the 2 most important things to look for in any bodybuilding guide. Remember these tips to put yourself on the fast track to muscle building success! At the end of the article, discover the best way to build muscle mass fast and effectively.

1. A Weight Training Program That Focuses On Strength Gains

A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, end of story. There is a lot of bull going around in the bodybuilding community about how you don’t need to lift heavy weights and get stronger to build muscle mass. You may have even read this stuff, yourself. It is complete and utter nonsense, and any bodybuilding guide that tells you otherwise is a fraud.

A good bodybuilding guide will teach you the principles of lifting weights as they apply to making huge strength gains in the basic exercises. There are many programs for gaining strength, but the guide should always have you performing the basic movements like the squat, bench press, and deadlift.

2. Nutritional Advice For Gaining Mass

Believe it or not, nutrition is even more important to building muscle than lifting weights. I can’t count how many skinny guys have told me they “eat a lot,” and “still can’t gain any muscle.” When I finally find out what these guys are eating, it’s nothing!

A good bodybuilding guide will teach you how to eat for massive muscle gains. This includes getting tons of protein and enough overall calories to grow. You want to strike a balance between eating too little and too much, and a good program will teach you how.

Use The Best Bodybuilding Guide To Build Muscle Fast!

You can spend all day reading about different bodybuilding guides, but you’ll never build an ounce of muscle until you take action! Discover the best, most proven system for building muscle, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds of lean mass in 6 months at Bigger, Better, Faster, Now!


Click Here!


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