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Category : Pregnancy Care
Things to Look For in Early Pregnancy :
Eat 1-2 dishes more nutritious food in 1 day - especially if you are thin , eat more vegetables and fruit , side dishes - red meat , chicken , eggs , fish , peas and beans every day .
Check regularly to pregnancy midwife or other health care workers .
Taking iron supplements of midwives per day to prevent bleeding during childbirth .
TT received an injection of 2 times during pregnancy
Using iodized salt in food every day for the health of the fetus .
Keep doing daily activities and exercise regularly , but take care not too tired .

Things That Should be avoided for Fetal Health
Working too hard and not enough rest .
Drinking random drug unless the prescribing doctor .
Abdominal massage .
Being around children with German measles or chickenpox .
Drinking alcoholic beverages
Working with and inhalation of pesticides , herbicides or other chemicals .
Eating too little to the monotonous menu ; was no food should be avoided during pregnancy .

First Aid Instructions To overcome Mild Problems During Pregnancy
Nausea or Vomiting - Try eating small portions but regularly though no appetite . If it still persists , the midwife may give medication .
Hot or Burned - in the stomach or chest cavity ( stomach acid and chest tightness ) - Eating foods in small portions until they run out and drink plenty air.Bidan may give medication .
Swollen Foot - Rest with your legs elevated for several times a day . Eat regularly and reduce tiggi salty foods like instant noodles . If the foot is very swollen , followed by swelling of the hands and face , immediately go for treatment .
Back Pain : Can be overcome through the exercise as well as sit and stand up straight .
Too skinny , pale and weak : Eat more and side dishes such as peas, beans , chicken , milk , eggs , red meat , fish and dark green vegetables . Drinking iron capsules every day .
Constipation : Drink plenty of water - about 6-8 glasses a day . Eat plenty of fruits , vegetables , and potatoes . many exercise

Pregnancy danger signs
Bleeding : Lying silent and call for kesehatan.Jika bleeding occurs in late pregnancy - after 6 months , immediately went to the Hospital
Acute Anemia : Feeling increasingly weak , tired quickly , and looks pale ; iron capsules should ask a healthcare provider . Better to give birth in hospital because of a high risk of bleeding .
Swollen feet in the last three months of pregnancy with symptoms of swollen hands , face , prolonged dizziness , or pengelihatannya be disturbed : it could be a serious problem - could be affected by toxemia or poisoning kehamilan.Segera go to a health worker . If indeed suffering from toxemia of pregnancy , it is important to :
o Bed rest in bed
o Eat a healthy diet
o If there is no change in symptoms , still impaired vision , swollen face and foaming at the mouth ( symptoms of epilepsy ) , immediately go to the hospital , or they could die .

Remember ! - Healthy Families is a family plan with normal birth - spacing at least 2 years in each spacing births


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