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characteristics of dengue fever

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or Dengue abbreviated caused by dengue virus which is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito , or Aedes albopictus aegipty androgynous females . Mosquitoes legged brindle white men bite during the day .

Consists of four dengue virus types ( strains ) , namely dengue type 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 . However, the dominant type is type 3 in Indonesia . Dengue virus results in impaired capillary blood vessels and blood clotting system resulting in bleeding , can cause death .

Typically , dengue fever is endemic when the change of seasons from the rainy season to the dry season or otherwise .

scarlet fever
Symptoms of dengue disease until now it was not unexpected . But in general , this disease has characteristics such as high heat , dizziness , and even vomiting blood . But unfortunately , the same symptoms are often found in other diseases . As a result , until now often misdiagnosed . Therefore , you must be vigilant and recognize other symptoms .

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

1 . Sudden high fever for 2-7 days , looked limp body temperature between 38 º C to 40 º C or more .

2 . Looks bint - red spots on the skin and if the skin is stretched red spots that do not disappear .

3 . Sometimes bleeding in the nose ( nosebleeds ) .

4 . Maybe there is vomiting blood or dysentery

5 . Torniquet test positive

6 . Bleeding were petechiae , or purpura akimosis

7 . Sometimes heartburn , due to bleeding in the barn

8 . When severe , people with anxiety, cold hands and feet end Sweating mucosal bleeding mucous membranes , gastrointestinal digestive system tools , injection site or other place

9 . Hematemesis or melena

10 . Thrombocytopenia ( = 100,000 per mm3 )

11 . Erathubungannya plasma enlargement with increase in the permeability of blood vessel walls , which is characterized by the appearance of one or more of the following:
The increase in hematocrit value of 20 % or more depending on the age and sex
The decline in hematocrit from baseline values ​​of 20% or more after treatment
The signs are enlargement plasma pleural effusion, ascites , hypo - proteinaemia

Dengue Patients First Aid

Dr. Rita explained in handling cases of dengue fever just need to play with the liquid , when a leak to be a lot of drinking , but when the leak was finished then within 2 × 24 hour fluid intake should be reduced .

Here are some things you can do as a form of first aid to patients with dengue fever are:
Providing drinking as much as possible .
Heat compress that down .
Giving febrifuge .
If within 3 days of fever does not go down or even go up immediately brought to a hospital or health center .
If you can not drink or persistent vomiting , kondiai worse , decreased or lost consciousness then have to be hospitalized .

Modes of Transmission of Dengue Fever

Dengue is transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti containing dengue virus .

The characteristics of the mosquito Aedes aegypti :
Black and brindle ( striped ) white at the whole body
Multiply in water reservoirs ( TPA ) and the items that allow stagnant water such as : bath , jars , drums , flower vases , old tires , etc. .
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can not breed in the gutter / gutter or pool of water is directly related to soil
Usually bite humans in the early morning or late afternoon
Able to fly up to 100 meters

When people find family members or neighbors in a neighborhood with symptoms that indicate the presence of dengue , was immediately taken to the health center for examination platelets .

How to Prevention , Treatment and Management

Way of prevention is done by :

1 . eradication
Mosquito nest eradication manner ; drain , close , burying junk that can be mosquito breeding places .

2 . Fogging or fumigation
Foging implemented in cases with a positive PE , 2 positive patients or more , found 3 patients with fever within a radius of 100 m from the residence Positive DBD DBD or no one died

3 . Abatization
That is to abate powder sprinkled into the bath water or shelter .

4 . Early warning system
Reports of disease hospitals sent patients to the health center in the region for epidemiological investigation .

Treatment of this disease is primarily intended to address the bleeding , prevent / treat shock / presyok to try to get people to drink a lot , if necessary administration of intravenous fluids . Fever cultivated lowered by cold compress or antipiretika .

Way of handling dengue patients include:
Monitor the patient's body temperature every day
Take the patient back to the doctor if the fever lasts 3 days
Rest and adequate fluid intake are two things that are very important in patients with dengue virus infection .
If the patient is getting weak , vomiting , difficulty eating or drinking , intravenous fluids should be done by a doctor .
When the laboratory results showed no signs of decreased platelets or an increase in hematocrit , the patient should be hospitalized .
Patients are monitored should be no shock that is characterized by weakness , drowsiness , and fainting , while cold feet once .

Now this is a transition period from rainy season to the dry season , where dengue mosquitoes were breeding . Because of this , hopefully an understanding of the symptoms of dengue fever is beneficial to prevent disease outbreaks this one .


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