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Category : Pregnancy Care
Things to Look For in Early Pregnancy :
Eat 1-2 dishes more nutritious food in 1 day - especially if you are thin , eat more vegetables and fruit , side dishes - red meat , chicken , eggs , fish , peas and beans every day .
Check regularly to pregnancy midwife or other health care workers .
Taking iron supplements of midwives per day to prevent bleeding during childbirth .
TT received an injection of 2 times during pregnancy
Using iodized salt in food every day for the health of the fetus .
Keep doing daily activities and exercise regularly , but take care not too tired .

Things That Should be avoided for Fetal Health
Working too hard and not enough rest .
Drinking random drug unless the prescribing doctor .
Abdominal massage .
Being around children with German measles or chickenpox .
Drinking alcoholic beverages
Working with and inhalation of pesticides , herbicides or other chemicals .
Eating too little to the monotonous menu ; was no food should be avoided during pregnancy .

First Aid Instructions To overcome Mild Problems During Pregnancy
Nausea or Vomiting - Try eating small portions but regularly though no appetite . If it still persists , the midwife may give medication .
Hot or Burned - in the stomach or chest cavity ( stomach acid and chest tightness ) - Eating foods in small portions until they run out and drink plenty air.Bidan may give medication .
Swollen Foot - Rest with your legs elevated for several times a day . Eat regularly and reduce tiggi salty foods like instant noodles . If the foot is very swollen , followed by swelling of the hands and face , immediately go for treatment .
Back Pain : Can be overcome through the exercise as well as sit and stand up straight .
Too skinny , pale and weak : Eat more and side dishes such as peas, beans , chicken , milk , eggs , red meat , fish and dark green vegetables . Drinking iron capsules every day .
Constipation : Drink plenty of water - about 6-8 glasses a day . Eat plenty of fruits , vegetables , and potatoes . many exercise

Pregnancy danger signs
Bleeding : Lying silent and call for kesehatan.Jika bleeding occurs in late pregnancy - after 6 months , immediately went to the Hospital
Acute Anemia : Feeling increasingly weak , tired quickly , and looks pale ; iron capsules should ask a healthcare provider . Better to give birth in hospital because of a high risk of bleeding .
Swollen feet in the last three months of pregnancy with symptoms of swollen hands , face , prolonged dizziness , or pengelihatannya be disturbed : it could be a serious problem - could be affected by toxemia or poisoning kehamilan.Segera go to a health worker . If indeed suffering from toxemia of pregnancy , it is important to :
o Bed rest in bed
o Eat a healthy diet
o If there is no change in symptoms , still impaired vision , swollen face and foaming at the mouth ( symptoms of epilepsy ) , immediately go to the hospital , or they could die .

Remember ! - Healthy Families is a family plan with normal birth - spacing at least 2 years in each spacing bird

tips on maintaining pregnancy new

Maintaining the health of pregnant women should be done as much as possible , if less healthy then her mother also joined what was facing her mother . Many adverse effects if maternal health is less precise , one could make a death in pregnant women . Food should also be considered , and you can read more about good food for pregnant women . In addition, there are many people who do a caesarean section because of fear of anything, and it turned from cesarean surgery has many risks can also read in the risk of caesarean section .

Speaking of pregnant women , tetunya a lot of changes in his physique , one face of pregnant women appear dark spots or brown spots . It is caused by changes horon thus stimulating the pigmentation on the face and neck . And do not be too worried about it , let alone anoint him with drugs bleach .

Well just read a good way to maintain the health of pregnant women following .

Tips to Maintain Healthy Pregnancy

maintain Cleanliness
Bathe regularly , and keep the skin clean is the main point that should be noted . Moreover, you are often dealing with dirty - dirt , then wash your hands and keep your nails remain untreated . Because germs can enter from the tip of the nail .

In addition , if the surrounding circumstances are less clean , then comes a variety of problems , one of which bacteria and viruses that can cause disease in the mother .

Pay attention to oral hygiene is also important , hormonal changes during pregnancy can make the gums bleed easily . Then use a soft brush your teeth and regular brushing .

Perform Sports
One good exercise to do is to do yoga , you can join the association by pregnant mothers do yoga or relaxation exercises . And can also walk in the morning , accompanied by her husband or a friend .

Doing so aim to keep the pelvic floor muscles so that stronger, increase endurance to stay healthy , as well as expedite the circulatory system and respiratory training .

keep cool
At trakhir trimester , which must be prepared this time everything that is important for the preparation of the birth of the future . Therefore do not be too worried but still relaxed and calm to face this moment .

Maintaining the health of pregnant women is the part that should be done . Hopefully the above tips , you can maintain health , as well as giving birth to a perfect

Tips pregnant women new

Pregnancy is often the cause of various health problems and psychiatric problems such as emotion and stress , however, still be a pregnancy periods extraordinary moment eagerly awaited by all mothers .

There are women who have to wait for years to get pregnant , there are also who immediately granted shortly after getting married everything will leave unforgettable memories for a woman who , although they had to pass many , pregnancy is still something beautiful and amazing . However, women should have a lot of knowledge in preparation to undergo a process of pregnancy is not at all easy .

There are many things to know by a woman to maintain a healthy body and her fetus . There are also a lot of preparation to do to live a smoothly delivery . Here are 10 tips that can be applied to pregnant women to maintain a healthy body and psychology before the birth of the baby that they have been waiting for.

Trimester early pregnancy
In early pregnancy trimester prospective mother should know some of the health problems that will occur and trying to figure out the right solution without too much panic . Pregnant women should be aware that the initial trimester of pregnancy are the most vulnerable moments of miscarriage so it is very risky for a woman to experience stress .

In the first trimester , pregnant women should maintain food intake to keep the fetus from birth defects . Consumption of folic acid 400 mg daily for 12 weeks is crucial to be applied to maintain the health of the baby .
Women who smoke or consume alcohol and should be stopped immediately after learning that they are pregnant . Cigarettes and alcohol on the risk of the baby so bad that it is important to keep the baby from both.

In the first trimester , pregnant women will be prone to nausea . It can not be a reason to not consume any food at all . Empty stomach can exacerbate nausea and may lower maternal health would be harmful to their fetuses . Let them eat bananas to fill the stomach and start looking for food with a fresh scent like ginger biscuits , tea, salad , orange juice , or mint .

In the first trimester , pregnant women should have a high psychological strength to conquer all difficulties early pregnancy is usually not easy , especially for women who face first through pregnancy in her life .

Women who are pregnant often experience drowsiness usually . Pregnant women should not procrastinate to sleep when they are getting sleepy . It is important to maintain the stamina and energy saving are always ready to face the problems of pregnancy . A strong body will be able to overcome the problems better .

Pregnant women have to work extra hard in maintaining health . Therefore , food intake must be carefully guarded . Foods that contain lots of vitamin A should be avoided . While foods that contain a lot of iron should be consumed to prevent anemia . UV light should also be avoided to prevent skin problems that often occur in pregnant women .

Entering the second trimester , pregnant women should begin to multiply exercise to prepare for the birth . In addition , exercise is also very good for pregnant women cope with health problems such as abdominal bloating and body weakness .
Pregnant women are also advised to maintain emotional stability in the second trimester to perform activities on vacation . In the last trimester pregnant , pregnant women should be calm and relaxed to prepare for the birth . Everything that is important for the preparation of such birth pregnancy exercise and others should be implemented with discipline .

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The Bodybuilding Revealed Inner Circle review

The Bodybuilding Revealed Inner Circle:

When you order the Bodybuilding Revealed system, you'll get instant access to the Inner Circle where you'll get UNRESTRICTED access to me and my team of professional advisors in our Inner Circle community zone.
No more confusion over what or how to do something, no frustrating questions you can't get answered. No more Dumping yet ANOTHER program because you can't get to grips with exactly what to do.
No more relying on the so called "email support", lots of products offer, which is usually slow, inconsistent, relies on canned messages and often, not even carried out by the author of the program.


You'll get indepth and actionable answers to any questions you have, not just those questions related specifically to Bodybuilding Revealed but any questions pertaining to nutrition, training and supplementation, fitness etc.
By the way, my team are not just moderators, like you find on public forums. These are qualified professionals , paid to specifically assist you to ensure you achieve your goals.


In addition, because this is 100% private members only, when you visit the community area, there's no arguments, and there's zero tolerance for any abuse.
No question is to simple or to complex, you'll be treated with respect, we have fun, but not at others expense. You'll be able to talk to me, the team and thousands of other members who frequent the community zone.


Over 10,000 pages of time and money saving information. All neatly organized and easy to find. Typical example, you want to know about a brand name supplement? No problem, no more wading through thousands of threads, all brand name supplements get one thread each and all the content is stored in there, complete with my comments , user feedback and general notes.

Limited Time Special Offer - Inner Circle Access

Order Before The end of November and get LIFETIME Free Inner Circle Access.
(normally $14.97 per month)
Over the 20 years + I've been in this industry , from author, to columnist, to judge, trainer and nutritional protocol designer , I've discovered it doesn't matter how simple or well structured the program is, how well you deliver it, what format you deliver it on, less than 10% of people who begin a diet and exercise program actually stick with it until they get the results they wanted.There are a number of reasons this happens..


One of the most common issues is information overload. People struggle with so much information in one go. We are all pushed for time, we often just want to ask a bunch of quick questions and get quick answers so we can get going. That's where the Inner Circle Community zone is worth it's weight in gold.
Got a question that's stopping you from progressing? No problem, just ask it and get the answer, not sure of a certain exercise or supplement or diet, etc, no problem, that's what we're here for.


If you've previously quit a program because you felt you were "going it alone" and perhaps family and friends arn't that supportive, no problem. Make the thousands of members in the community zone be your virtual fitness family and friends, they WILL support you, you won't be alone.


If you've failed because of a lack of accountability, no problem, put your before pics up in the Inner Circle Gallery, and set your goals and dates and the other members will constantly give you daily feedback - You can also set your diet program up with the Inner Circle Diet Planner and send your diet to me and the trained advisors to help you with and keep you motivated.
If you've quit because of a lack of results, it's probably because you didn't have all the above nailed down. The Bodybuilding Revealed system sidesteps all the typical issues with most book/DVD/E-Manual programs.
The difference between success and failure for most people on a program is down to some form of commitment model coupled with social support.


In fact, in a year-long study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, participants in a managed online support community lost more than TWICE the weight of participants who took part in a more traditional program.
Further, other research published in Obesity Research has shown that over the course of 18 months, those who participated in a managed online support community were much more likely to maintain the improvements in their physque than those who did not.

You won't just find the Private Community Zone in the Inner Circle.

In the Inner Circle you'll also find hundreds of pages of useful information, on every concievable topic you can image related to fitness, bodybuilding, weight loss, sports, nutrition, supplements and so forth.
  • You'll find: Pre made diet plans, workout programs, wall charts, measurement charts.
  • You'll get access to over 200 muscle building and fat loss recipes.
  • read over 600 brand name supplement reviews.
  • You'll be able to view the members gallery and leave and get feedback on your progress.
  • Read reviews on over 60 nutritional authorities and their programs.
  • Read reviews on online Supplement sellers and user feedback
  • Watch Videos on everything from exercise performance to supplement advice.
  • And so much more..

The Body Building Revealed Training Manual:

Whether you’re a beginner, or at an intermediate to advanced level, the BBR program has you covered with specific and separate programs for each level you’re at. For those with less than 6 months training under their belt and limited time to go to the gym, the beginner workouts are perfect for developing the essential foundation for priming your body to take to the next levels in minimum time.
For those with at least 6 month of steady training, the intermediate program will introduce you to the proper way of setting body part splits allowing both more volume and more recoup time for each body part trained. The correct body part splits improves efficiency and time spent in the gym while reducing the potential for injuries and over use syndromes so common to programs not properly designed.
Finally, the Advanced programs will cover the real science of resistance training few in the gym ever learn, and why most fail to make continued progress. By Learning and applying correctly concepts such as periodization, volume, loading, time under tension (TUT), rest periods, intensity, de loading, and others are applied to the programming to optimize time spent in the gym, continued progress in strength, muscle mass, and performance can be achieved. Those who do not learn and apply these concepts, are doomed to make limited short lived progress.

The Body Building Revealed Nutrition Manual:

Trying to gain mass and strength? You need more calories when trying to gain mass, but what macro nutrient ratios are best? How do you figure out appropriate calories for you? How much protein? What type of carbohydrates? Low fat or high? How does one answer those questions so they can optimize muscle and minimize fat gains? What does the science support vs. gym advice? This section answers those questions fully using the actual science that exists, vs. the “bro science” so commonly given. Follow the guidelines in this section and take all the guess work out of your mass gaining nutrition
When your focus is on improving body composition vs. gaining overall mass quickly, many find a higher protein intake is the most effective method. The high protein/Body Recomp nutrition plan is the best choice for the more
advanced person now looking to “tweak” their nutrition in favor of improving their body composition by the strategic and intelligent shift to a higher protein diet that favors muscle mass over bodyfat. This requires knowing the appropriate shift in macro nutrient ratios and calorie adjustments to create the proper metabolic environment that will slowly alter body composition in a favorable direction that favors lean tissue over adipose (fat) tissue.
Having the essential nutritional info you need to get the body you want is great to be sure, but hands on guide to exactly what to buy when you’re at the grocery store is even better! This section of BBR gives you an exact list of what you need to purchase while food shopping. No guess work here, just an easy to follow list of foods that will meet your nutritional requirements for gaining muscle and strength while improving your overall health. This guide makes shopping easy and will fit perfectly with your mass gaining diet plan or High protein plan.


This section has the potential to save you years of wasted time and money on worthless products. Over 80 individual ingredients reviewed in depth with hundreds more brand name reviews in the members area. Fully understand what works, and what’s total garbage, without flash, BS, or marketing hype. Based on the science (or lack thereof!) the most popular ingredients broken down into easy to understand sections.
All the “basics” covered, as well as ingredients used in some formulas you may not have heard of. The fact is, a fairly small number of ingredients are used in most supplement formulas, and the supplement section covers them in-depth, so you can
read a label and know what is worth actually using and what’s not, as well as what doses are required. It’s very common for companies to add ingredients that may be worth using, but they don’t add enough of the ingredient to be effective. What we in the industry refer to as “label decoration.”
The supplement section will also show you how to “roll your own” as buying the ingredients used in many formula separately can save money and guarantee you’re getting the effective doses the studies find effective.
Finally, no more guess work, no more conflicting advice given on some forum or marketing material from a company trying to sell you their products, just facts This section alone will pay for itself 10 times over when used to make intelligent choices on which supplements to use and which to ignore.

The Diet Planner:

The Diet Planner allows you to take total control of your diet and supplements with ease. You can use it with the BBR program but also with any other program you may be following.
  • Track what you eat each day and get a calorie breakdown for every food including the protein, carbohydrate and fat content.
  • Create a graph of your progress showing the amount of muscle gained, fat lost, and overall progress.
  • Keep track of your weight, and take notes…you can record information on your workout, or write down how you feel.
  • Track the difference between your daily intake and what you should be taking in so you can make easy corrections.
  • Make your diet public or private: if it's public, other BBR members and our team of advisors can help you out with it.

Video Database:

Are you always 100% sure how to perform an exercise correctly ? It's important to me that BBR is as easy to follow as possible, so when you open up the BBR e-book or download your pre made workouts charts, I wanted to ensure you knew exactly how to perform each exercise.
That's why I had the video database created, you can now actually watch the videos from the BBR program being performed right in front of your eyes.
Pick any one of the exercises from the e-book, read how it's performed and watch the video so you can see exactly how to do each exercise safely and with maximum benefit.
Not to be confused with"exercise simulator" type software, the video database contains dozens of real videos featuring exercise experts performing each exercise listed in the BBR training program.

Premade Diets, Workout Logs & Printable Wall Charts:


In the Inner Circle Download Zone, you'll be able to grab pre-made Diet Plans, which have been meticulously configured to match the Bodybuilding Revealed program. No more guessing what to eat, these diets have also been hardcoded into the Diet Planner software.
You'll also get printable workout logs for the beginner and intermediate programs, it's hugely beneficial to and powerful to simply keep a log of your progress. With the included Workout Charts, that just got a lot easier.
You'll also get some "hang up in the kitchen" measurement and progress charts to keep you on track.

Mass Gaining Training Programs:

While the BBR system contains training information for the beginner right through to the experienced intermediate trainer, I also wanted to include information for the advanced trainer, those with at least 3-4 solid years of training under their belts. Step in perhaps the world's most respected strength coach, Charles Poliquin, B.Sc M.Sc
Charles, is the real deal, he has a network of Poliquin training centers around the world, the Poliquin accreditation is highly sought after, and he's the author of a dozen best selling books on various subjects relating to bodybuilding, strength and conditioning.
Charles' coaching skills have resulted in hundreds of Olympic medals, wins and personal bests for many of his clients. He's known worldwide for producing faster, more muscular, stronger athletes.
So I picked up the phone and Charles agreed to do me a great favor and write an entire bonus e-book which focused entirely on his approach to advanced training.

buy ebook click here

Bodybuilding Revealed - Muscle Building System With Support Community new review

The Bodybuilding Revealed Inner Circle:

When you order the Bodybuilding Revealed system, you'll get instant access to the Inner Circle where you'll get UNRESTRICTED access to me and my team of professional advisors in our Inner Circle community zone.
No more confusion over what or how to do something, no frustrating questions you can't get answered. No more Dumping yet ANOTHER program because you can't get to grips with exactly what to do.
No more relying on the so called "email support", lots of products offer, which is usually slow, inconsistent, relies on canned messages and often, not even carried out by the author of the program.


You'll get indepth and actionable answers to any questions you have, not just those questions related specifically to Bodybuilding Revealed but any questions pertaining to nutrition, training and supplementation, fitness etc.
By the way, my team are not just moderators, like you find on public forums. These are qualified professionals , paid to specifically assist you to ensure you achieve your goals.


In addition, because this is 100% private members only, when you visit the community area, there's no arguments, and there's zero tolerance for any abuse.
No question is to simple or to complex, you'll be treated with respect, we have fun, but not at others expense. You'll be able to talk to me, the team and thousands of other members who frequent the community zone.


Over 10,000 pages of time and money saving information. All neatly organized and easy to find. Typical example, you want to know about a brand name supplement? No problem, no more wading through thousands of threads, all brand name supplements get one thread each and all the content is stored in there, complete with my comments , user feedback and general notes.

Limited Time Special Offer - Inner Circle Access

Order Before The end of November and get LIFETIME Free Inner Circle Access.
(normally $14.97 per month)
Over the 20 years + I've been in this industry , from author, to columnist, to judge, trainer and nutritional protocol designer , I've discovered it doesn't matter how simple or well structured the program is, how well you deliver it, what format you deliver it on, less than 10% of people who begin a diet and exercise program actually stick with it until they get the results they wanted.There are a number of reasons this happens..


One of the most common issues is information overload. People struggle with so much information in one go. We are all pushed for time, we often just want to ask a bunch of quick questions and get quick answers so we can get going. That's where the Inner Circle Community zone is worth it's weight in gold.
Got a question that's stopping you from progressing? No problem, just ask it and get the answer, not sure of a certain exercise or supplement or diet, etc, no problem, that's what we're here for.


If you've previously quit a program because you felt you were "going it alone" and perhaps family and friends arn't that supportive, no problem. Make the thousands of members in the community zone be your virtual fitness family and friends, they WILL support you, you won't be alone.


If you've failed because of a lack of accountability, no problem, put your before pics up in the Inner Circle Gallery, and set your goals and dates and the other members will constantly give you daily feedback - You can also set your diet program up with the Inner Circle Diet Planner and send your diet to me and the trained advisors to help you with and keep you motivated.
If you've quit because of a lack of results, it's probably because you didn't have all the above nailed down. The Bodybuilding Revealed system sidesteps all the typical issues with most book/DVD/E-Manual programs.
The difference between success and failure for most people on a program is down to some form of commitment model coupled with social support.


In fact, in a year-long study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, participants in a managed online support community lost more than TWICE the weight of participants who took part in a more traditional program.
Further, other research published in Obesity Research has shown that over the course of 18 months, those who participated in a managed online support community were much more likely to maintain the improvements in their physque than those who did not.

You won't just find the Private Community Zone in the Inner Circle.

In the Inner Circle you'll also find hundreds of pages of useful information, on every concievable topic you can image related to fitness, bodybuilding, weight loss, sports, nutrition, supplements and so forth.
  • You'll find: Pre made diet plans, workout programs, wall charts, measurement charts.
  • You'll get access to over 200 muscle building and fat loss recipes.
  • read over 600 brand name supplement reviews.
  • You'll be able to view the members gallery and leave and get feedback on your progress.
  • Read reviews on over 60 nutritional authorities and their programs.
  • Read reviews on online Supplement sellers and user feedback
  • Watch Videos on everything from exercise performance to supplement advice.
  • And so much more..

The Body Building Revealed Training Manual:

Whether you’re a beginner, or at an intermediate to advanced level, the BBR program has you covered with specific and separate programs for each level you’re at. For those with less than 6 months training under their belt and limited time to go to the gym, the beginner workouts are perfect for developing the essential foundation for priming your body to take to the next levels in minimum time.
For those with at least 6 month of steady training, the intermediate program will introduce you to the proper way of setting body part splits allowing both more volume and more recoup time for each body part trained. The correct body part splits improves efficiency and time spent in the gym while reducing the potential for injuries and over use syndromes so common to programs not properly designed.
Finally, the Advanced programs will cover the real science of resistance training few in the gym ever learn, and why most fail to make continued progress. By Learning and applying correctly concepts such as periodization, volume, loading, time under tension (TUT), rest periods, intensity, de loading, and others are applied to the programming to optimize time spent in the gym, continued progress in strength, muscle mass, and performance can be achieved. Those who do not learn and apply these concepts, are doomed to make limited short lived progress.

The Body Building Revealed Nutrition Manual:

Trying to gain mass and strength? You need more calories when trying to gain mass, but what macro nutrient ratios are best? How do you figure out appropriate calories for you? How much protein? What type of carbohydrates? Low fat or high? How does one answer those questions so they can optimize muscle and minimize fat gains? What does the science support vs. gym advice? This section answers those questions fully using the actual science that exists, vs. the “bro science” so commonly given. Follow the guidelines in this section and take all the guess work out of your mass gaining nutrition
When your focus is on improving body composition vs. gaining overall mass quickly, many find a higher protein intake is the most effective method. The high protein/Body Recomp nutrition plan is the best choice for the more
advanced person now looking to “tweak” their nutrition in favor of improving their body composition by the strategic and intelligent shift to a higher protein diet that favors muscle mass over bodyfat. This requires knowing the appropriate shift in macro nutrient ratios and calorie adjustments to create the proper metabolic environment that will slowly alter body composition in a favorable direction that favors lean tissue over adipose (fat) tissue.
Having the essential nutritional info you need to get the body you want is great to be sure, but hands on guide to exactly what to buy when you’re at the grocery store is even better! This section of BBR gives you an exact list of what you need to purchase while food shopping. No guess work here, just an easy to follow list of foods that will meet your nutritional requirements for gaining muscle and strength while improving your overall health. This guide makes shopping easy and will fit perfectly with your mass gaining diet plan or High protein plan.


This section has the potential to save you years of wasted time and money on worthless products. Over 80 individual ingredients reviewed in depth with hundreds more brand name reviews in the members area. Fully understand what works, and what’s total garbage, without flash, BS, or marketing hype. Based on the science (or lack thereof!) the most popular ingredients broken down into easy to understand sections.
All the “basics” covered, as well as ingredients used in some formulas you may not have heard of. The fact is, a fairly small number of ingredients are used in most supplement formulas, and the supplement section covers them in-depth, so you can
read a label and know what is worth actually using and what’s not, as well as what doses are required. It’s very common for companies to add ingredients that may be worth using, but they don’t add enough of the ingredient to be effective. What we in the industry refer to as “label decoration.”
The supplement section will also show you how to “roll your own” as buying the ingredients used in many formula separately can save money and guarantee you’re getting the effective doses the studies find effective.
Finally, no more guess work, no more conflicting advice given on some forum or marketing material from a company trying to sell you their products, just facts This section alone will pay for itself 10 times over when used to make intelligent choices on which supplements to use and which to ignore.

The Diet Planner:

The Diet Planner allows you to take total control of your diet and supplements with ease. You can use it with the BBR program but also with any other program you may be following.
  • Track what you eat each day and get a calorie breakdown for every food including the protein, carbohydrate and fat content.
  • Create a graph of your progress showing the amount of muscle gained, fat lost, and overall progress.
  • Keep track of your weight, and take notes…you can record information on your workout, or write down how you feel.
  • Track the difference between your daily intake and what you should be taking in so you can make easy corrections.
  • Make your diet public or private: if it's public, other BBR members and our team of advisors can help you out with it.

Video Database:

Are you always 100% sure how to perform an exercise correctly ? It's important to me that BBR is as easy to follow as possible, so when you open up the BBR e-book or download your pre made workouts charts, I wanted to ensure you knew exactly how to perform each exercise.
That's why I had the video database created, you can now actually watch the videos from the BBR program being performed right in front of your eyes.
Pick any one of the exercises from the e-book, read how it's performed and watch the video so you can see exactly how to do each exercise safely and with maximum benefit.
Not to be confused with"exercise simulator" type software, the video database contains dozens of real videos featuring exercise experts performing each exercise listed in the BBR training program.

Premade Diets, Workout Logs & Printable Wall Charts:


In the Inner Circle Download Zone, you'll be able to grab pre-made Diet Plans, which have been meticulously configured to match the Bodybuilding Revealed program. No more guessing what to eat, these diets have also been hardcoded into the Diet Planner software.
You'll also get printable workout logs for the beginner and intermediate programs, it's hugely beneficial to and powerful to simply keep a log of your progress. With the included Workout Charts, that just got a lot easier.
You'll also get some "hang up in the kitchen" measurement and progress charts to keep you on track.

Mass Gaining Training Programs:

While the BBR system contains training information for the beginner right through to the experienced intermediate trainer, I also wanted to include information for the advanced trainer, those with at least 3-4 solid years of training under their belts. Step in perhaps the world's most respected strength coach, Charles Poliquin, B.Sc M.Sc
Charles, is the real deal, he has a network of Poliquin training centers around the world, the Poliquin accreditation is highly sought after, and he's the author of a dozen best selling books on various subjects relating to bodybuilding, strength and conditioning.
Charles' coaching skills have resulted in hundreds of Olympic medals, wins and personal bests for many of his clients. He's known worldwide for producing faster, more muscular, stronger athletes.
So I picked up the phone and Charles agreed to do me a great favor and write an entire bonus e-book which focused entirely on his approach to advanced training.

buy ebook click here

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Building Muscle Tone

All of us want to look healthy and a very important element of this appearance is a muscular and well defined body. Some of us fail to realize that building muscle definition is not really difficult, and all that is needed is some effort. All you have to do is figure out the appropriate work outs to stimulate the cardiovascular system supplemented by proper diet and plenty of rest. This will not just improve the look of your muscle tissue but also provide you with a great deal of energy and confidence. As with any system of training, you should be familiar with what to do and what not to do however, once you get a system down, the results will surely follow.
The first requisite of improving muscle tone is to exercise often and efficiently. Devoid of physical activity, muscles do not get a workout and there is no question of building muscle definition. If you wish to build this tone quickly, the only way to do so is to go to the gym on a regular basis and weight train. Weights increase your overall muscle tone quickly and also have the advantage that you can concentrate on particular areas of the body. In addition, you will have to regularly undertake physical activities such as running, speed walking, cycling or playing a sport like tennis.
The routine of exercise that you follow is essential and, if you are short on time, you should try and work out two different groups of muscles simultaneously. You should also try and rotate these different muscle groups on a normal basis so that every group gets the best workout. If you are using the gym, keep in mind that heavy weights are only needed if you want to add muscle mass. If you are looking to just tone your muscles, then lifting lighter weights at an increased frequency will be most beneficial.
The significance of proper diet and rest can’t be over exaggerated. Concentrate how much protein you consume and decrease the fats that you consume by eating more white protein or lean protein. Supplement your protein intake with protein shakes especially after a workout. Drink lots of water and unsweetened fruit juice. Also don’t forget to get enough rest because the body must recover or else you will feel constantly fatigued.
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